I could use some advice

I am so very sick today I cannot even find the motivation to eat let alone exercise. Does anyone have some helpful tips to help me feeling better? I have a terrible headache. My stomach is upset. My whole body is aching. It gets worse whenever I get out of bed for any reason. Thank you in advance for any kind of suggestions.


  • Jocelynkriley
    Jocelynkriley Posts: 4 Member
    Rest! Eat something fresh and lite like fruit. Always settles my tummy. Maybe you're coming down with a cold. But weakness is the bodies sign to give it s break. Just relax and pick up when youre feeling better, or maybe do leg lifts in bed? Hope you feel better soon!
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    bengay on the forehead (and side of nose for my sinuses in my case) for the headache.
    nibble on salted crackers for the nausea and to get at least some food in you.

    not much i know to do about aching body other than a salt bath maybe but, its not something i would want to do when i have a bad headache.. Hope you feel better soon and not comming down with something like the flu.
  • kfm6
    kfm6 Posts: 146 Member
    I am so very sick today I cannot even find the motivation to eat let alone exercise. Does anyone have some helpful tips to help me feeling better? I have a terrible headache. My stomach is upset. My whole body is aching. It gets worse whenever I get out of bed for any reason. Thank you in advance for any kind of suggestions.

    I suggest you get checked by a physician. I hope you take my advice and I hope you feel better. Email me and let me know how you make out.

  • flyboy69
    flyboy69 Posts: 4 Member
    Keep your fluids up, the headache could be a sign of dehydration.