New to MFP and the "Total Gym"

Hello.. I'm new to MFP and was wondering if anyone out there uses the "Total Gym"?

I purchased the top of the line model, but was looking for what workouts to do to optimize this weight loss effort. I've watched the videos of Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley, researched YouTube of different users and it always seems to be people who are already "physically fit" LOL.

I'm looking for a workout routine to get me started.. one that will work all the right places, but doable for someone that's not "fit" yet. Note: my cardio portion will consist of the recumbent bike attachment to the Total Gym and/or treadmill.

Just kind of need to know which exercises to do to get started, then I can slowly add more in as I go along.

Any help is greatly appreciated

(I posted this in Getting Started, then saw this forum, apologize for that, LOL, new and finding my way around :blush: )


  • OutdoorCamoGirl
    OutdoorCamoGirl Posts: 67 Member
    Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)
  • OutdoorCamoGirl
    OutdoorCamoGirl Posts: 67 Member
    Well, maybe someone will chime in eventually. I still have hope LOL
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I have one and mine came with a booklet ....I use to use it religiously ...I don't use it much anymore ...I prefer to use workout dvd's
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Search the user groups, there's at least one group of Total Gym Users. If you can't find a workout, build your own that includes the major compound lifts, squats, bench press, row, over head press and dead lift.
  • OutdoorCamoGirl
    OutdoorCamoGirl Posts: 67 Member
    Thank you to both of you. I did see that TG user group but it's not active with very few posts, so I though I would ask in the forums. And thank you loulamb7, I'll check out my information and look into those exercises you provided me. At least it will be a start

    If anyone out there would like to share their workout routine using the Total Gym, I would be ever so appreciative. :)
  • marehayes89
    marehayes89 Posts: 1 Member
    I've returned to MFP as of yesterday & I'm using the total gym to do basic exercises, like leg squats & arm pulley's until I'm strong enough to do other exercises.
  • delipidation
    delipidation Posts: 34 Member
    We have the Bayou Fitness equivalent. We bought a refurbished model several years back after researching several of the options then available and concluding that it gave us the most accessories for the lowest expenditure; a lot has changed since then, so YMMV.

    For a while it was my daily workout device; these days I use it more for range-of-motion work on rest days between my strength-training workouts at the gym. I like the fact that it's low impact, with lots of opportunities for smooth, coordinated motion; I tend to move slowly through each exercise, focusing on recruiting all of the various muscles from start to full extension to return. There are also interesting superset options: it's easy, for example, to go through several row or press variations without having to stop and reset the equipment.

    It came with several pre-programmed workout routines on laminated sheets, and I tend to go with their default split: Day 1 incorporates pull-ups, lat pull-downs, seated row, upright row, side raise, bicep curl, front raise and reverse curl, while day 2 includes leg press, calf raise, leg curl, advanced crunch, chest press, dips, oblique twist and tricep extensions. There also seem to be lots of exercise routines on YouTube, so poke around: even if you don't see the workout you want, there may be a creative use of the equipment that you'll be able to incorporate into your exercise toolkit.
  • OutdoorCamoGirl
    OutdoorCamoGirl Posts: 67 Member
    Thank you, I appreciate the responses very much!
  • TrekkGuy
    TrekkGuy Posts: 13 Member
    Just brought a Total Gym model 1700 Club purchased off of Craig's List. I know that motivation is the key. I search ""Total Gym" beginner workout on Youtube with the thought of finding trainer I liked. I figured I could grow into it once I got more familiar. I also have a stationary bike for my cardio but it is easy fall off the wagon.