Review my diet log, not losing weight!

My husband and I are trying to avoid gaining any (more) newlywed pounds and possibly lose a few. We have been logging and exercising for 3 weeks now, and are both a little discouraged the scale isn't moving as much as we expected. I have lost 2 lbs, but he has not lost any. Any suggestions?


  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I dont know your weight/height or activity level but maybe you should try not to eat back your exercise calories for a week and see if you notice any changes... Im 6 feet tall 190 pounds and active and eat between 1500-1900 per day and have been losing weekly. Dont give up, everyones body is different.
  • Dr_Waffles
    Dr_Waffles Posts: 141 Member
    I see your sodium is jacked way up and you either don't log it or just don't drink water. Flip those around and you should see some results. If you don't like plain water, try some fresh lemon or lime. There are also crystallized lemon, lime and orange available.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Add more fruits, veggies
    Less processed food
    What is your calorie goal to lose? Seems a little high for female but depends on your starting weight
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I guess the question I (and others) have is where are you starting from, how much are you trying to lose and how quickly. Have you calculated a BMR?

    You seem to be hitting your goals so I would wonder if your goals are accurately set, but there are a few answers missing to know for sure. But whatever you do, don't give up. It could just be it takes a bit of time. Make some small adjustments. Reduce your calories by 100/day. Maybe eat back only half your exercise calories. Small changes made slowly.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I went back a few days in your diary - you seem to be eating a lot of carbs (processed), less fresh fruit and fresh veg. I know it's calories are calories are calories but I notice FOR MYSELF that cutting back on carbs helps. (it may work for you, may not - but it may be worth a try). I would start by cutting back carbs at least for one meal a day and snacks - make your snacks cheese, hard boiled eggs, turkey slice, etc and less cookies.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Overall calories are high. Try eating back only half of your calories.

    Sorry to say this, but you seem to be eating quite a lot of junk food. Suggest dropping sweetened cereal (actually, almost all those ready-to-eat boxed breakfast cereals are pretty bad, and if they have a word like honey or sugar in them, you know they're bad.) If you look at your Friday menu under could pick any one of those to have as your treat that day. Eliminate the rest of them. That would save you about 500 calories a day right there, a pound a week, without losing you any nutrition.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i eat alot of carbs, processed, and sodium filled foods. this does not keep a otherwise healthy person from losing weight, however, may mask results on the scale. its only been 3 weeks, give it time... and RUN!!! RUNNING IS WHAT REALLY GOT THE FAT MELTING OFF OF ME! i hate running, used to not be able to run for even 30 seconds straight, now ive worked my way up to 2 miles straight. its not much, but eough to really get my weight loss moving at a steady pace!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You've lost 2 pounds in 3 weeks.

    How much were you expecting, exactly?
  • sexymuffintop
    Meh...I personally don't think there's much wrong with your diary. Your protein is on the low side for my preferences buts thats the only thing I would bother picking up on. I personally can lose eating 2000 cals a day. It's about your activity level too. I am on the go a lot, usually gym twice (I split cardio and lifting sessions) so I eat a lot, but still lose. It's relative to you. Don't let people dictate to you what your cals should be because of what they eat. They aren't you.

    Having said that, if you are unhappy with your rate of lose then you may need to change things up. Look at the following:

    More activity generally.
    Check you are measuring and weighing everything you eat and drink.
    Look into getting a activity tracker such as a Fitbit that will give you a accurate picture of your calorie burn every day.
    Drink as much water as you can stomach.
  • Christinaturn30
    Christinaturn30 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'5" and weigh 179 lbs and 31 years old. I'd like to lose 25-30 lbs. I exercise 6 days a week, alternating bicycling with jogging.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Watch the sodium. It's bloating you.
    Stop eating your workout calories. Or just eat back only 10-25%.
    Don't give up.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I think you're expecting a little too much too fast. 2 lbs in 3 weeks is normal, especially with the sodium and processed food intake you have. If you reduce that and up your water you will see some results in the form of water weight but in general, fat loss takes a little bit. Also, in my experience (although I exercise 6-7 days a week) most of the weight loss is in the kitchen and what you eat, so start making changes there. I'm also a big fan of newlywed night walks. After dinner, my hubby and I used to walk for 1-2 hours because we got so caught up in talking and enjoying ourselves. Great alternative to tv ;)
  • marhod5
    marhod5 Posts: 84 Member
    I would say eat more fruits and veggies. And chopped fruit or berries to your breakfast cereal. Eat a small salad with lunch and dinner (but not too much dressing!). The fiber and water in fruits and veggies will help fill you up and you will eat less. Fruits and veg also help relieve you of excess sodium and water weight. Drinking plenty of water also helps.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Bicycling and jogging are good for cardio but you need to add 2-3 sessions of strength training with it.
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Overall, it looks good. What you might want to think about is snacking on lower-carbohydrate foods. I see several higher-carb cakey foods. Try some veggie sticks and hummus, or a hard boiled egg, or crackers with a stringcheese and see what happens.

    Edited to add: slow weight loss is more likely to be lasting than 'omg I lost 30lbs in 2 weeks on _______ plan', which over time isn't sustainable.
  • tawanda6329
    tawanda6329 Posts: 139 Member
    What are you drinking for liquids? You can try cutting back on your diary products (milk).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Set MFP to lose 1 lb per week (because you only have 20 lbs to lose), log accurately (weigh foods with a scale, measure free-pouring liquids), eat back half of your exercise calories.

    What are you doing for exercise and how are you calculating your burns?

    There's a lot of random good food/bad food stuff in this thread. Individual foods aren't good or bad. I eat plenty of dairy, carbs, and processed foods. I also eat plenty of fruits and veggies and home-cooked meals. It's an entire diet that is good or bad, not the individual foods within that diet.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You've lost 2 pounds in 3 weeks.

    How much were you expecting, exactly?

  • hmeyers78
    hmeyers78 Posts: 2
    I have a personal trainer starting on Friday and she only costs 60 per month that might help you
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The only thing I suggest you change is your expectations. The scale is moving, just not quick enough for you. 2 lbs in 3 weeks is a pretty decent loss. As for hubby, hard to say since we don't see his diary.
    I agree with Angel about changing to one pound a week (and the food point). I checked your calorie burns, they certainly aren't excessive (a lot of times you see peoe logging huge burns and eating them back).
    Keep going!