Today I turned 48....

conniedj Posts: 470 Member

Today I turned 48, and I decided to celebrate by sharing the above pictures and explanation with anyone who cares to look and read.

The picture on the left was taken after a period of time in my life that I was really, really stressed. I was working in the movie industry as a location manager, 16-20 hour days for months on end was my normal. I ended up quitting that line of work because I knew I didn't have the type of personality to "turn off" when I wasn't working. There was a point near the end that I thought I was going to die...I thought I was having a stroke. What kind of life is that? So I quit.

My cortisol levels must have been through the roof because I gained weight and held on to it even though I was doing at least 5-7 hours of cardio a week. I'd like to be able to tell you that there is a sure fire way to get from the left picture to the other one on the right. And there is. It isn't more cardio. It isn't starving. It isn't a brand of <insert supplement/smoothie/diet>. What worked for me?It was lifting weights and eating real food, and plenty of it.

I used to diet to an extreme. I would take such satisfaction if I could burn more calories in a day than I consumed because that is how the pounds would come off, right? Wrong. Even with a degree in sports medicine and 25+ years as a personal trainer, and exercise instructor I managed to get the idea of a huge caloric deficit completely wrong. I only managed to damage my metabolism by doing way too much cardio and not eating. My already stressed body was even more stressed by what I was doing to myself, and held on to the fat.

What changed? I changed the way I eat. Like, totally. I am one of those "clean" eaters....which to me means my whole family cut out processed food. Goldfish and cheezits were the hardest thing to kick. Have you ever wondered why a cracker could be so addictive? Google MSG, and all the other names that MSG goes by. Shazam! We started to prioritize eating organic produce, dairy and meats whenever possible. We did this in phases over time. It took a year, but it was sooooooo worth it! Though with kids, I try to keep it real, eating "clean" 80% of the time. I advocate to anyone who will stand still to cut out "artificial" anything: flavors, sweetners and colors. In my research I discovered that the body was designed to metabolize Fats, carbohydrates, sugars <or Macro nutrients>, vitamins, minerals, and all the beneficial Micronutrients. When you add that extra chemical stuff? It's like pouring old car oil in a lake. Sure, eventually that oil slick will sink to the bottom, but it wasn't meant to be there, and it doesn't help the lake. The human body is amazing, fearfully and wonderfully made. But it wasn't meant to filter out all the crap that our food, water and environment pummel it with every day. The least I can do for myself and my family? Keep it as simple and real as possible.

I also started lifting weights. Like real weights in the weight room. I started with a 55 lb bench press and bent over row, 45 lb over head press, 65 lb squat and 95lb dead lift. And I got stronger every time I lifted and progressed. I had dieted my way down to 173 lbs when I started lifting and after a few months people started asking "are you losing weight"? Even though I had substantially increased the number of calories I was eating in an attempt <successfully, I might add> to repair my metabolism. At that point I was actually gaining weight, but looking like I was losing. It blew me away. And I was HOOKED!

I found a program called "Eat More to Weigh Less" run by an awesome woman, KiKi. I learned a lot about repairing metabolism and increasing calories to nourish and fuel the body and my workouts. I also learned about my true Basal Metabolic Rate and Total Daily Energy Expenditure were. When I was really in the heavy, heavy stages of lifting I was eating about 3200 calories a day and not gaining any weight. I was logging every bite of food and logging all of my activity. And I was astounded that I could eat so much. That is a lot of food, and eating that much was hard work.

Now I am at the point where I don't monitor my caloric intake. I eventually tapered down from both lifting and eating. I started teaching classes again at the Y. Now I am motivated to find the next challenge to conquer. This year I have succeeded at: Box jumping my inseam <30 inches>, doing pull ups, doing burpee pull ups, and cutting weight down below 170lbs. It's been a good year so far!

I eat intuitively and listen to my body, get enough sleep, drink enough water and take rest days. I have a healthy relationship with food and never feel guilty about how or what I eat. My workouts vary every 6-12 weeks, as I find my body just responds better when I change it up. And my secret to the plateau? Take a week off and eat. I only do HIIT 1-2 times/week. I lift weights 3 days a week as a rule. I don't run because it hurts me, I love sprinting though. And if there were a marathon that was just jumping, lunging and burpees? I'd be all over it!

I turn 48 next week. I don't feel 48! In fact in my mind I still want to become the next America Ninja warrior. I still think I can! My new goals are to get better and stronger at pull ups and start lifting heavy again. I'm continuing as a ski instructor. I have a new business partner and started a new production company that will focus on original and inspirational content for TV. I'm also taking the plunge and resuming as a personal trainer. And who knows what else? If it inspires me and helps me to help others get fit, strong and stay happy, God willing, I'm in!

As a note, I started Carl's Family YMCA Fit Club because I wanted to build that feeling of friendship and community within our little Y community. I wanted people to know that they are not alone in their goals or their struggles. I never dreamed that the people who have surrounded me would also help me to be MORE motivated to be fit! It is the perpetual gift! I am grateful to share the awesome!


  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited September 2015
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Great transformation, good for you!!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    What a great story. Thank you for sharing and happy birthday! You're very inspirational and real. I love lifting and am just getting back into it after a (very) long hiatus. It does wonders for a woman's self-esteem. Good for you for making the changes and reaching for more!
  • lapierrecyclist
    lapierrecyclist Posts: 153 Member
    Happy birthday, conniedj! What a great story! I love lifting too and like the poster above, I am just getting back into it (I am 55). Thanks for reminding me just what it can do for your body over time (along with clean eating).
  • Crochet180
    Crochet180 Posts: 57 Member
    Really inspirational, thanks for sharing.
  • LisaPrust
    LisaPrust Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing! Hope to follow in your footsteps soon!
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Dayum, look at your gorgeous muscular legs! Very inspirational.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Wow your legs are amazing.
  • ajgordo150
    ajgordo150 Posts: 79 Member
    Happy Birthday
  • Camomilejane
    Camomilejane Posts: 55 Member
    Happy birthday! What an amazing story, I really enjoyed reading in and I wish you all the very best for the future.
  • FrankWhite27330
    FrankWhite27330 Posts: 316 Member
    how much can you lift now? you say heavy.. I would like to know My wife lifts and would like to compare her lifts to someone's...
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    @ Frank....."heavy" is pretty relative....if it is heavy for your wife, it's heavy! Right now I am lifting for endurance and alternate hypertrophy < so lighter weights/higher reps(60% of 1RM, alternating days of 75-80% 1RM>
    And there I weeks that I won't do bench at all, but if I do I will lift 95 lbs for 15 reps x 3...squat 135 lbs for 15r x3...OHP 65lbs for 15r x3.....BOR 95lbs for 15r x3......DL 165lbs for 5r x3<<<<<<<<<This is my endurance workout....I will also add accessory lifts of lateral shoulder raises, bicep curls and stiff arm leg raises < think hanging leg raises done on a tricep dip bar, backwards>

    I also train pull ups usually 2 times a week....which means I pull my bodyweight UP <which is heavy @ 165lbs!!!>
    We usually do pull up/burpees for sets of 10, 8, 5....and I will do more IF I can.

    Thanks so much for the kind remarks and kudos! Each of us has a's nice to know you aren't alone in your goals, your triumphs or your struggles! Staying challenged is sometimes a challenge in and of itself, right? So I try to pick something that I thought I would never do, but wanted to....and make baby steps toward the goal. And guess what? Without fail, it has happened....just not overnight!
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Happy birthday.'d destroy me in an arm wrestle!!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Happy bday, you look awesome!!
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    Woo Hoo! Happy Birthday! You look amazing and I love knowing how you did it. I love the EM2WL community as well. I hope I can look anywhere near as good as you for my next birthday, which will be my 48th as well. :)
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