I don't log my exercise. Who else does this?

I don't log my exercise because I want a true count of all the calories I intake in the day. Does anyone else do this? If yes, is it working for you?


  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    I log my exercise because I want to keep track of what and how much I've done. You can enter the exercise as 1 calorie, if you want just to keep track of your CI.
  • lowforshow2002
    lowforshow2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I have a chart I track my exercises with. I do track it just not on here.
  • lowforshow2002
    lowforshow2002 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you Faithful. I'm going to read it now.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Logging your exercise does not prevent you from having a complete record of what you've eaten in a day. Not logging what you've eaten does that.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    I log my exercise because ... I want to be able to eat pizza like I did last weekend. :grin:
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    I log it to ensure my net calories don't drop too low. Also so I can have wine.
  • malcolmjcooper
    malcolmjcooper Posts: 79 Member

    So pleased I read this and always thought this way myself.
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    edited September 2015
    I don't log exercise and I do 3-4 high intensity workouts a week. I set my own calorie/per day amount based on a Registered Dietitian's advice (it sure isn't 1200!) and I use mfp to track and make sure I'm not exceeding that daily caloric amount. Do what works for you as long as it's safe and you're getting the daily nutrition your body needs. Whether you track your exercise or not, weight loss can be safe, healthy and not require that you starve yourself.
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    I do log it, but I don't eat them back. I start doing that, and I'll end up not losing. I assume it's probably because the logging calculations are off. Whatever the reason, I do stick to my own food intake plan, regardless of exercise. Maybe when I'm at maintenance, I'll change that.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I log exercise because I want a true count of my calorie expenditure and intake.
  • Camomilejane
    Camomilejane Posts: 55 Member
    I log my exercise as it keeps me motivated to do it. Weight loss is a life style change. Slowly and surely wins the race.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I don't log my exercise because it's too much trouble. My weekly exercise routine is consistent enough that I've been able to calibrate TDEE to include exercise.
  • lowforshow2002
    lowforshow2002 Posts: 17 Member
    I log my exercise as it keeps me motivated to do it. Weight loss is a life style change. Slowly and surely wins the race.

    That's exactly what my trainer says
  • lowforshow2002
    lowforshow2002 Posts: 17 Member
    If you don't want to eat back or log your exercise, then you shouldn't be using MFP's goals for weight loss. You should be using your maintenance level calories and just ignoring the exercise part. Or...you can do what most people (who don't want inaccurately calculated exercise burns to mess up their losses do) and figure out what your TDEE is and eat that minus 10-20%. I don't count my exercise now because it's already factored into my TDEE. You can check out Scooby's TDEE calculator or IIFYM TDEE calculators to give you an idea. If I were still using MFP's calculations, you can bet I would be eating back my exercise calories. That's the way MFP is designed and it works very well if you do it the right way. I used it for my whole weight loss and just switched to TDEE when I hit maintenance.


    Thank you. I'm going to check it out.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited September 2015
    I use my Fitbit to log my exercise and calculate my TDEE. I work out my deficit from there. I eat more on very active days, less on less active days.

    Fitbit logs all my step-based activity, and I manually log in stuff like weights or my water jogging.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    I track exercise on fitocracy and don't log it here. I have my calorie intake goal set at a level that includes the assumption that I'm exercising almost daily.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I log food because I need to vary my intake from day to day. I log exercise because my exercise routines are highly variable day to day from shorter interval runs to multi-hour runs in the city or in the mountains.

    If I was merely doing daily walking or something as predictable, I'd do TDEE and not log anything.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't log my exercise because I want a true count of all the calories I intake in the day. Does anyone else do this? If yes, is it working for you?

    logging exercise has no bearing on your "true count" of all the calories you take in....so doesn't really make sense to me.
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    I use a Fitbit Charge HR for a TDEE estimate. I don't have it linked here to MFP. I prefer to keep them separate.