I lost all motivation!

I lost all motivation. I feel like I'm digging a deeper hole and I don't know how to get out of it. I've reached my max of 200lb and I don't know where to start to lose weight. Any suggestions? Please help :(


  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Ooook i am going to be the first one to say...hey you! You've come to the right place :) watch...you'll see....someone else is going to say this :) it is a flipping fantastic forum!!!!
  • anicole0102
    anicole0102 Posts: 48 Member
    Going through this exact thing now! I've found that at least still logging all my foods has helped. I've found patterns of foods i tend to just"grab" without thinking makes up a bulk of my diet. Plus staying active in here Jerrod new accountable.
  • anarivera
    anarivera Posts: 3 Member
    Well I guess downloading the app is a start.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    And for that you get a high five!!!
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    You're here so that's a good start. I panicked too when I hit 200 pounds and was completely overwhelmed at the amount of weight I needed to lose. I started slow, tracking and weighing my food then started increasing my exercise. In the past I've given up after a few weeks because I restricted myself too much, this time I am eating more and losing slower but it's much easier to stick with.

    There's a lot of great advice out here so you'll pick up some good tips along the way. Good luck to you.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Oooh see??? I told you there'd be good responses. .ol Tam knocking it out of the park.
  • jtitus311
    jtitus311 Posts: 20 Member
    Motivation is a finicky thing. When I start to feel it slip, I think about my goals and how great it will be to hit them. I have a chart that has milestone days over the next year (birthdays, anniversary, annual Dr checks etc) and the weight I will be at if I continue on my new lifestyle journey. That usually is enough to snap me back onto track. I also find that just being active on this awesome board is really helpful. Good luck and keep pushing.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Ooooh and jtitus. ..also coming in with work strong post and tossing out the word finicky!!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Where to start? Well you have the app. Plug in your stats and use it. Log everything you eat, invest in a food scale, before you know it you'll be 190...then 180...then goal. Start right now.
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    Surround yourself with some great MFP friends! I started last March 2014..and when my real life friends faded away, so did I. NOW I have met some amazing, supportive, and motivated individuals here who have the same goals and talk about daily struggles, where they could do better, and successes. I am lucky to have my MFP friends because they have literally changed my experience with this app.
    For starting out, things that I would recommend: Be honest and LOG everything that you put in your mouth! Awareness is huge and it allows you to make a more educated decision. For me, some high calorie foods are TOTALLY worth it, while others I didn't mind eating less of. Try to eat at maintenance at first..I like this calculator: http://www.acaloriecounter.com/diet/calorie-maintenance-calculator-daily-calorie-requirements/. Once you can eat at maintenance, slowly lower your calories. I was once told by a girl something like: "The idea is to eat as many calories a day as you can, but still slowly lose weight." I like that. I have tried the 1200 calorie diet and I found it wasn't sustainable for me and often led to random-day binges which probably eradicated the original deficit I had. What everyone is looking for is a sustainable lifestyle change and it's a long journey, but everyone has to start somewhere.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    As everyone here said, you being on here is the first step. Logging all of your food will help you become more accountable for the choices you make. As for exercise, do whatever you like whether it's walking, running, swimming or riding a bike. You will need at least 40 min of cardio 4x a week to help burn off the excess weight.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited September 2015
    Bxqtie116 wrote: »
    As everyone here said, you being on here is the first step. Logging all of your food will help you become more accountable for the choices you make. As for exercise, do whatever you like whether it's walking, running, swimming or riding a bike. You will need at least 40 min of cardio 4x a week to help burn off the excess weight.

    False. Exercise is for health, diet and calorie deficit is for weight loss. I lost my weight doing little to no cardio.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Geez ok ok top response is going to Jessica...although that was a HUGE well thought out reply...which makes me think...she was waiting for the perfect chance to strike...or she has that masterpiece saved for a quick copy and paste...either way. .bravo...Bravo indeed.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Bxqtie116 wrote: »
    As everyone here said, you being on here is the first step. Logging all of your food will help you become more accountable for the choices you make. As for exercise, do whatever you like whether it's walking, running, swimming or riding a bike. You will need at least 40 min of cardio 4x a week to help burn off the excess weight.

    False. Exercise is for health, diet and calorie deficit is for weight loss. I lost my weight doing little to no cardio.

    OP, a huge YES here!! She is right you know!!
  • anarivera
    anarivera Posts: 3 Member
    I agree. Being honest and logging what I eat is a huge start for me. As for fitness I enjoy being active I just need to surround myself with friends that have the same goals.
  • Ashyknucklez
    Ashyknucklez Posts: 4 Member
    Good day, everyone. Why is it that my app's claiming, I'm not losing any weight, when my clothes are fitting loosely. I wish my app showed that I've lost some pounds. #bewildered
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    This site can be glitchy sometimes
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Where to start? Well you have the app. Plug in your stats and use it. Log everything you eat, invest in a food scale, before you know it you'll be 190...then 180...then goal. Start right now.

    ^^ yep. This is a link to a thread with fabulous information to get you started:

    Welcome :)
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Bxqtie116 wrote: »
    As everyone here said, you being on here is the first step. Logging all of your food will help you become more accountable for the choices you make. As for exercise, do whatever you like whether it's walking, running, swimming or riding a bike. You will need at least 40 min of cardio 4x a week to help burn off the excess weight.

    False. Exercise is for health, diet and calorie deficit is for weight loss. I lost my weight doing little to no cardio.

  • MarkofSuccess
    MarkofSuccess Posts: 120 Member
    I try to find a balance. I can eat 500 and then do an hour of cardio to make up for it.
    Eventually I'm going to eat more calories then I can burn off.