Emotional Eater!

I've been working on my weight loss goals for roughly a year. I go to Orange Theory Fitness 4-5 days per week and myfitnesspal has become one of my besties! I've had good success, loosing almost 70 pounds I'm just over a year! That being said, I still find myself derailing when my emotions swing... anyone else have this problem? What had helped you get through this?!?


  • stixwithit
    stixwithit Posts: 8 Member
    Food has been my "drug" of choice for years. As I work to redirect this habit, I reflect back on my childhood and realize I've been a closet emotional eater for years. I just made a deal with my friend that when I get in "that place" and want to emotionally eat (always chocolate something) I have to text her 5 reasons why I NEED it. I also try to redirect my mind and do something so the thought passes. I will always struggle with "feeding" my emotioms. Keep focus and it will come