Raw Foodists Support

Anyone interested in an all raw diet or at least a 80% raw food diet? Why not support and encourage like-minded raw-foodists here? I've done raw food at one time for close to a year and I felt great, my complexion was amazing, people commented on how youthful I looked, my energy was great, sugar addictions were wiped out, no more high cholesterol or high blood pressure, no more migraine headaches, and no more fluctuating moods monthly and so much more health benefits.


  • luvamy48
    luvamy48 Posts: 1 Member
    Im interested
  • nicolehatt86
    nicolehatt86 Posts: 6 Member
    Well, day one back into my raw vegan diet... All I have had that was "cooked" was coffee so far today. Any support for me? Yes, I do need attention. No, I do not regret that. I know me. I NEED PEOPLE.