Hi guys,
So I came home after 4 months and ate sooooooooo much in the past three days. I feel extremely bloated and i feel like I have undone all my work. By cheat I mean really badly cheated with a lot of fat filled indian cuisine. Any ideas how I should get back on the wagon? Should I fast for a few days?


  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Write down in detail how bloated and sick you feel - put that paper somewhere you can read it next time you think of binging

    Drink extra water to flush out the extra sodium

    Continue on normally and don't sweat it! :) Well you can 'sweat' it a little if you wanna add an extra workout or two but your fine.

    Three days of eating salads wont make a person skinny, and three days of eating indian won't make a person fat, you are fine :)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    You haven't undone all your work. Unless you ate an obscene amount of calories in the last few days (we're talking 5000 a day here), you're going to gain at most, what, a few pounds (plus some possible water retention)? Let the past be and start back up on your normal schedule. You don't need to fast or cleanse or anything else, you're body is perfectly capable of doing that for you. Anytime I have a cheat day (or even a couple in a row), I just get back to my usual schedule and let things sort themselves out. If I eat where I need to be eating, any weight I gained will be gone before long anyway, so why stress over it?