How to add food and exercise on previous day

I didn't have internet last night so I didn't add dinner and exercise.Please help


  • Inglebert
    Inglebert Posts: 34 Member
    On diary page (I do this on phone app, but think it's similar on website), there are arrows by the day at the top. Just step back with the arrow to the day you want to add to. Hth.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Yes, as @Inglebert's the same on the computer as on a phone. Go into your diary. At the top of the page it'll say "You're food diary for: <September 27, 2015> ". Click on the arrow the left of the date to take you back to yesterday. Click on the arrow to the right if you want to pre-log for tomorrow.
  • bonagracia
    bonagracia Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks :)
  • tjdavisak
    tjdavisak Posts: 5 Member
    The arrows are gone now. Can't figure out how to go back to record last night's workout and dinner
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    tjdavisak wrote: »
    The arrows are gone now. Can't figure out how to go back to record last night's workout and dinner

    Try refreshing...sometimes they disappear.
  • srbell624
    srbell624 Posts: 1 Member
    i can only look at what i logged i cant edit or add anything? help?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,782 Member
    srbell624 wrote: »
    i can only look at what i logged i cant edit or add anything? help?

    You should be able to edit or add things to a previous day.

    I'd like to help, but it matters whether you're using phone/tablet MFP (and whether you're using the Android or Apple/iOS version of the app), or using web browser MFP.

    Usually, to edit a diary line, you either long press or click the item, which will produce an edit pop-up for the item. Deleting a line may be clicking on a minus sign at the right of the line (web), swiping on it (Apple app), or long-pressing it (Android).

    If that doesn't help, please say what version you're using, and exactly what you're trying to do (add a food item, delete a food item, change quantity of a food item, change an exercise item, or whatever).

    I can post screen grabs of specific actions you want to do, showing the web or Android versions, but - with apologies - it would be really a time-consuming lot of work to guess exactly what you're trying to do, then post detailed descriptions with screen grabs of all those possibilities for the two different MFP versions I can access. (Usually Apple is similar to Android, but not exact.)

    If you can be more specific, I can be more helpful. But I'm just a regular MFP user like you, with other things on my schedule, not an MFP staff person whose job is answering questions like this. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, honestly. I'd like to help. Help me help you?