Lifestyle for Real

Hello there!
The name is Amr, 21 years old from Cairo, Egypt.
This not my first go-around when it comes to MFP. However, this is the 1st time that I've truly embraced the concept of consistent healthy nutrition & exercise as a permanent lifestyle.
I've been regular at it for about 2 months now and so far it's been great. Decided to re-join MFP to elevate the level and commit furthermore to my goals and lifestyle especially since collage is about to start for me again in a few days.
My current health/fitness status is 75 KG with a bit of fat to lose and a tad of muscle to preserve and keep developing.
Also, what's interesting is that from my past experience, I've found that being a part of MFP community helps me become a more efficient hard working and a smarter person all-around just by interacting and keeping up with people here.

Feel free to add me. I'm very supportive and accepting to all types of people and positive mindsets.
Thank you.