CLEAN PROTEIN PANCAKES!! :) had to share with you guys!!!

I eat these every morning and I LOVE them!!! Just wanted to share in case you are looking for a quick, clean, and protein packed breakfast! I cook these, let them cool, put them in a container and put them in the fridge :) I eat them all week.... 3 or 4 for breakfast with a little peanut butter on them. You can use powdered peanut butter for less fat and calories!

2 cups oatmeal
2 1/2 cups egg whites
2 cups cottage cheese
1 banana
cinnamon to taste
(I have tried a little vanilla extract in them too, super good!)

Blend WELL. I use the bullet blender to get the oatmeal really fine. Cook on griddle at 325ish degrees! makes 24 pancakes. Per pancake - 57 calories, 6g protein, 6.7 carbs (without the peanut butter of course!)

Enjoy! :)
