Eating junk cause its there



  • i had that moment about 5 days ago my kids bringed cakes home from school and i ate like half of them adding up too 3000 calories because cakes and doughnuts are my weakness but eating that much cakes 8x was out of the ordinary for me.. idk what was wrong with me but i just would'nt stop eating them...

    Ouch! But kudos for still being here! Mini binges like that have stopped me dead in my tracks before.
    Haha yes
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited September 2015
    @sweetiepie781 it is hard. As the only one in the house not eating processed carbs I know what you mean. With two being teenagers we have a ton of carbs streaming into the house so I just had to make a decision not to eat them. Yes I have to pick them up and move them out of my way sometimes but I still do not eat them. :)

    One thing different perhaps is I left off sugars and grains to manage my pain a year ago. After 30 days being off sugars and grains my years of pain was well managed without any meds so for me to eat them is going to be very painful, restart the IBS and weight gain.

    Best of success.

  • sweetiepie781
    sweetiepie781 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone:)
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    So... if you had a bunch of carrots sitting there would you eat them just because they are there? Carrots have sugar too. It does not call your name. And so what if it did? No one forced you to put it in your mouth. Just because it is there? Are you really going to accept that from yourself as a reason to eat food you don't even like?

    Have you considered that there might be another reason why you eat food mindlessly? Maybe take time to think about this and try to discover the real cause of your issue so you can work on fixing it.

    Are you by any chance one of those who thinks sugar is a bad food and are trying to give up eating all sugar or as some call them junk foods? Do you realize that this kind of deprivation almost always leads people to binge or cheat?

    How about this. Next time food you don't like tempts you and is within your calories, why not eat something that you do like instead, and still within your calories? And make it something really good that is worth the calories to you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    dhimaan wrote: »
    i had that moment about 5 days ago my kids bringed cakes home from school and i ate like half of them adding up too 3000 calories because cakes and doughnuts are my weakness but eating that much cakes 8x was out of the ordinary for me.. idk what was wrong with me but i just would'nt stop eating them...

    Give yourself a break. If I had cakes in front of me I would probably binge too if it was chocolate.
    i like chocolate too one of my favorites but.. it's weird that if theres alot of chocolate laying around i dont over eat on it much...

    Right, because if you are having a chocolate craving, then eating real chocolate will satisfy it. But eating faux chocolate will not scratch your chocolate itch, so you overeat cuz your body is still looking for the chocolate.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Nope, I don't. But it took a while to get there!

    I have the Halloween candy in the house right now. A few years ago, I'd have eaten it all by now. It hasn't been opened.

    Stick with it. Keep working for what you want and keep trying. If you want it, you will succeed.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You've stayed within your calorie allowance and allowed yourself to enjoy food you love - WIN! :)
    You're fine.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    On the off chance you think the "documentary" Fed Up is good science, please be informed that sugar per se is not the boogie monster it's made out to be.

    Too much of anything is bad for you, but you did well to just have a reasonable amount. No need to feel guilty.
  • Blackdawn_70631
    Blackdawn_70631 Posts: 283 Member
    So... if you had a bunch of carrots sitting there would you eat them just because they are there? Carrots have sugar too. It does not call your name. And so what if it did? No one forced you to put it in your mouth. Just because it is there? Are you really going to accept that from yourself as a reason to eat food you don't even like?

    Have you considered that there might be another reason why you eat food mindlessly? Maybe take time to think about this and try to discover the real cause of your issue so you can work on fixing it.

    Are you by any chance one of those who thinks sugar is a bad food and are trying to give up eating all sugar or as some call them junk foods? Do you realize that this kind of deprivation almost always leads people to binge or cheat?

    How about this. Next time food you don't like tempts you and is within your calories, why not eat something that you do like instead, and still within your calories? And make it something really good that is worth the calories to you.

    With my husband, I'll step in and actually remove the product. He gripes and says it tastes good. I just shrug my shoulders and ignore him.
    One time I noticed he was putting to much salt on his food, and didn't tell him to stop, I just slipped the salt shaker out his hand when he pulled back.
    Nother time I caught him finger licking salted ketchup and immediately took the plate.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Anyone else eat or binge on junk just cause it's there ? My kids had a birthday party yesterday and came home with goodies bags each filled with candy !(tootsie rolls, gum,laffy taffy, chocolate...) and so now that its been sitting here staring at me i go ahead and eat the laffy taffy minis and dubble bubble neither which i like but its sugar (my weakness) i stayed within my calories today but wishing i hadnt wasted 160 calories on crap and rather on something i would have enjoyed more anyone else have these moments just cause its there lol

    I have something sweet everyday......but Laffy Taffy and Dubble Bubble wouldn't make the cut. I'm picky now.

    I have some dark chocolate squares in the freezer (along with ice cream bars). Those are MY treats.

    Elimination diets only work.......... to a point. A granola bar isn't a real substitute for chocolate anyway.
  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    You stayed within your calorie limit. No harm done. If you had been stuffing yourself with sweets while in a surplus then maybe you could get angry at yourself. Once every now and then is not a problem. You also recognised and acknowledged that you wanted to eat some sweets right then and listened to your cravings and did it in a controlled manner. 160 calories for the odd simple pleasure is nothing.


    And, yes, to answer your question, I've done it before. I'm sure I'll do it again. I'm learning that if it's in my calorie allotment, I'm not going to stress over it too much. Restricting anything from your diet will eventually lead to a binge of some sort (in my humble opinion).
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    Toss out the candy, it's not any better for your kids to have it in reach than it is for you. Set the same healthy standards for your kids as you do for yourself. They may temporally get mad at you, but they'll be healthier and not struggle as much with healthy choices as adults.

    I remember, as a child, my bag of Halloween candy always disappearing 1-2 days after Halloween. I would get in crying matches with my father over it, but now, as an adult, I don't crave sugary foods very often. I was never allowed soda as a child, I fought with my parents over it and and snuck it behind their backs, but it was never allowed in the house. Now as an adult, I can't stand soda and will not drink it.

    Throw out the candy, let your kids get mad at you. When they grow up to be healthy adults who do not struggle as much with healthy choices as everyone else, they will thank you it.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    I really try to not even have one because if I do I eat all of whatever it is. I would rather just go for a walk and forget it exists. And I do buy candy and cookies for my family I just do not allow myself to eat it
  • TammyRoach1
    TammyRoach1 Posts: 7 Member
    It is really hard for me to resist junk as well. What seems to work for me is I just don't buy much junk. Sometimes I do buy cakes and sweets for my son and husband while shopping and it takes will power not to eat it but sometimes I do, what works for me is out of sight out of mind.
  • sweetiepie781
    sweetiepie781 Posts: 75 Member
    Yes out of sight out of mind is what works for me i dont miss it or crave junk until i see it lol guess thats because before changing my eating habits i always had a terrible sweet tooth lunch could have been a diet coke and chocolate bar
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Yes out of sight out of mind is what works for me i dont miss it or crave junk until i see it lol guess thats because before changing my eating habits i always had a terrible sweet tooth lunch could have been a diet coke and chocolate bar coke though right??? And I am sure there were some nuts maybe in the chocolate bar??? Little protein maybe?? See??? Seeeeee?? You were making good decisions and you didnt even know
  • sweetiepie781
    sweetiepie781 Posts: 75 Member
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    You stayed within your calorie limit. No harm done. If you had been stuffing yourself with sweets while in a surplus then maybe you could get angry at yourself. Once every now and then is not a problem. You also recognised and acknowledged that you wanted to eat some sweets right then and listened to your cravings and did it in a controlled manner. 160 calories for the odd simple pleasure is nothing.
    dhimaan wrote: »
    If it fits within my calorie limit then yes.
    You've stayed within your calorie allowance and allowed yourself to enjoy food you love - WIN! :)
    You're fine.

    I agree with everyone... you stayed within your calorie limit. That's really the key for losing and later maintaining weight. Enjoy it! Don't feel guilty!! Congratulations!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm not a big candy eater anyway so if for some reason I see it sitting around the house I usually toss it. The rest of my family is also trying to lose weight so they don't need the temptations around either.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    sure, but I would rather drink wine cause its there. and cheese....