So confused!

I have 20 minutes each weekday morning to get in my exercise. I get up at 4:45 a.m. and must get that in before getting ready for work, eating breakfast, and practicing my harp (1/2 hour). Then it's a 1/2 hour drive to work. I have many 20 minute DVD workouts for both stability ball with weights and Yoga. I also have a stationary bike. My question is how do I get a well rounded workout in that time limitation. I finished my first week and lost two pounds. Whoop! I'm very proud, (just getting my sluggish self out of bed at that ungodly hour is a grand feat) but I am concerned about the lack of cardio. How do I fit it all in? Any suggestions for a schedule?


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Congratulations on your body weight loss.
    Just do any exercise you can fit into your schedule.
    You do not have to do "X" minutes per day, any minute is better than zero minutes. By the way, I count time at a stationary bike as cardio.
    Just continue with your plan, eat at a deficit, weigh and log all the food you ingest.
    Eating at a deficit is for body weight loss
    Exercise is for fitness and health.
    If you burn enough calories through exercise, you may eat more food.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • rats2010
    rats2010 Posts: 79 Member
    Maybe pick your favorite video and do it MWF, and do the stationary bike on T &TH... do that until that video workout seems easier then switch to another to keep your body from getting used to the same routine?