I'm stuck

Hello my name is Alma and I'm having a hard time losing weight I'm stuck I really want to lose at 60 lbs. I really don't know what to do any help is appreciated


  • ariana_eatsandlifts
    What are your stats? How long have you been stuck? Do you measure your food with a food scale? It looks like you are not being very strict with your logging, but it's hard to say without more information. All you need to lose weight is a calorie deficit.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    First of all, hang in there and don't give up hope! You can get past this :)

    You need to make sure you are tracking and logging ALL of your food. I know this sounds like a complete pain but once you get into the habit of doing it, it'll become second nature to you. It is so important to be tracking your food as you'll see the calorie build-up throughout the day. If you can pre-log your day the night before, even better!

    Make sure you are weighing all of your portion sizes! I used to 'guess' my portion sizes and was under estimating my daily calories by around 300 a day sometimes. Once I purchased an electronic food scale, I couldn't believe the difference in calories - and LOVED the 'whoosh' of weight loss that happened with it!

    Finally - make sure you are actually eating at a calorie deficit. Have you worked out your allowance correctly? Finding that number and sticking to it is vital - plug your stats into the MFP app and go get it! :)