Loose Skin Worry



  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    I haven't lost agreat deal of weight yet but I'm over 60 so my skin is definitely vulnerable to sagging. My body is still OK ( probably because of less sun damage since I always covered up) but my neck and under my jaw are getting saggy and worse, crepey. BUT the good news is I found something that seems to be wrking to improve it and it's not a $100 dollar an ounce cream. It's simple, cheap lemon juice. The only caveat is that it needs to be fresh so you need to cut a lemon and then squeeze out the juice, but you can keep it in the fridge until it's used up, at least for a few days. You also need to be careful of sun exposure and wear a sunscreen or hat and don't bake in the sun ( which would undo the process anyway). It turns out that alpha-hydroxy acids will actually cause your skin to build collagen in the deeper layers while flaking off the upper dull layers. I have oily skin so I just squeeze the juice in my hand and apply it to my skin overnight. In the morning I rinse and put on a moisturizer, sometimes with a few drops of juice mixed in if I'm not going to be in the sun. If you have sensitive skin or dry skin you might want to mix a few drops of lemon juice into a cream (in your hand) before you apply it, or even dilute it with some water if you are not using cream-- as a night routine. I've been using it for about a week now and I can see a visible difference in the brightness, clarity, and firmness of my skin. It's as if the skin is becoming younger and a bit thicker and more resilient. I'll know for sure how much benefit I can get in about a month but this is promising enough for me to want to share it. Oh, it also is working to clear out oil and blackheads and I put it in my body cream and it's working there too. I'd love some feedback from anyone else trying this.