Hi everyone

Hi everyone,

My name is Nick Lawrence and I am a 26 year old West Aussie who has been struggling with his weight for his entire adult life.

When I was younger, I was passionate about sport and was playing a sport of some variety nearly every day. As I have gotten older, my passions have changed and geared more towards sedentary activities like video games and reading. As I have never had a very good diet, this has caused me to gain weight significantly over the past several years.

Every year, I reach a breaking point where I look in the mirror and decide to make a change. I manage to make some progress, though never hitting my goal, and for some reason or another, I stop and put on even more weight causing me to be heavier than I was when I started. The last time I tried to lose weight was this time last year. Since then, I have been almost entirely sedentary, with the closest thing to exercise I get being the walk up a flight of stairs to get to my office each day.

I want to change. I've set an initial time limit during which I will not be eating junk food or touching a drop of alcohol. Initially I am looking at 2 months from today of healthy eating and hitting the gym every other day (with the goal of light cardio on my off days in month 2).

I would love to meet anyone with any fitness/diet goals of their own. I think that getting involved in the community will be the best thing to help keep me motivated and on track. Whatever your goals are, if you want someone to talk to, to motivate and to be motivated by, feel free to add me. I will do my best to motivate you and keep you on track as I hope you will do for me. :smile:


  • shayna64
    shayna64 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello there! Way to go! go.
    I also just started again and my total is 10 pounds lost. I have 50 to go.

    It's great that you have realized what you need to do and that you are online. I also recently started back on My Fitness pal. To me, the only way to be successful in losing weight and staying on track. The reason I can't stick to a diet and that I keep gaining back all the weight is because it needs to be a "Life Health Change" not something that happens in 1 day, 1 month etc. I had to make a switch in my head that said this is going to be a healthy way of life for me. Each meal I have a choice to eat healthy or binge.

    The most important part is to realize that significant and long lasting weight loss involves practise. Practise to exercise more than you did before. Push yourself to enjoy different kinds of exercise even if it is doing a 30 day squat challenge. Eat as much healthy veggies and proteins and drink lots of water. Learn to love saying no to cake and cookies because it's only making you sad.Patience, patience patience and the pounds start to melt off.

    Allow a day or an occasional slip up because it takes a lot of work to change life long habits. Give yourself a break and keep going on the path.... Each day is another chance for you to reach your goal. Read, read read about everyone successful. Stay on MFP!!!

    Good Luck !

    Yours truly Shayna
  • Loganmmontgomery
    Loganmmontgomery Posts: 47 Member
    Hey there!

    I totally understand your struggle. I used to do sports but my work life doesn't allow for much of that anymore. I struggle with having my weight go up and down yet always ending up heavier in the end. It's disappointing and puts a toll on your progress. But I think admitting that and realizing that is a great start for all of us. My inspiration is my upcoming wedding. I'm looking to get rid of 40 pounds (not lose... Cause I'm not going to be looking to get it back ever again!)
    Good luck to you on your journey

    - Logan