Menopause is unfair!

Hello--I'm very glad to have found Fitness Pal! Finally have had enough and am looking to lose 30 lbs, 20 of which appeared post-"change of life" with no apparent effort on my part, lol! My name is Marlene, I'm in my mid-50s, and am looking forward to meeting friends, and giving and receiving support. One day at a time!


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    There are many of us losing weight at various stages of definitely slows things down! I have lost 35 since January 1, am at my adult low weight (still would like to lose 20 more) and have gotten more fit than I have been. You can totally do this, one day at a time, one bite at a time. At this phase in our lives, what we eat and how much we eat matters more than ever unfortunately. 1200 calories has been my standard, I've gone over a few times and earned a bit more with exercise here and there so it doesn't feel too restrictive.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • PharmD09
    PharmD09 Posts: 6 Member
    Suruda, thank you for the encouragement. I've had to really re-think about how much and what and when I eat. It's a lifestyle change and it has been a struggle. I'm motivated now because I want to be as healthy as I can be as I grow older. Right now, I'm trying to walk more (increase my daily steps). Once I'm doing it I'm fine; it's the getting started that can be tough :-)

    Again, thank you for welcoming me.
  • Lilmamawoz
    Lilmamawoz Posts: 33 Member
    I am 46 and menopausal. I had lost 20 pounds on weight watchers but am slowly gaining it back! 11 pounds to be exact. I am blaming menopause mostly but I also stopped tracking which really does make a difference!! I had quit WW since I had stopped tracking for so long. Heard about MFP and going to give it another try! Just looking to find some people with similar issues. The creeping menopausal pounds! Definitely harder to get rid of them! Hoping to meet some new friends with the same issues to keep motivated!
  • PharmD09
    PharmD09 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Lilmamawoz! I agree that daily tracking truly makes a difference. I've found that my single most important investment has been a digital food scale. Weighing portions (as opposed to measuring, say, 1/2 cup of something) gives me a much better idea of portion size and the opportunity to better pick and choose how to "spend" my daily calorie intake. The second most important investment was making a commitment to some form of cardio exercise with weights/resistance that I could do in my home, which I found in a series of walking DVDs. I try for a minimum 3 days a week at 30 minutes each session. I can usually do 4 and work it around my work schedule. I've been encouraged with an 11.5 lb. loss so far in a little over 2 months. An average of about a pound a week has been a healthy way for me to start losing that stealthy menopause weight :-) I really like MFP and its diary features as well as this community and would be happy to share the journey!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    sigh,,,, oh to be 20 again, with no symptoms.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Welcome. There are many wonderful people on MFP and some great 50 year old + groups.
  • PharmD09
    PharmD09 Posts: 6 Member
    sigh,,,, oh to be 20 again, with no symptoms.

    Lol! Amen!
  • PharmD09
    PharmD09 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome. There are many wonderful people on MFP and some great 50 year old + groups.

    Thank you! Glad to share the journey.