Why do carrots make me suuuuper hungry?

ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
About half an hour after eating about 150g of carrot sticks, I feel so ravenously hungry like my stomach is so empty that it gets sore. I usually eat them as an afternoon snack, and I've tried changing up what I eat for lunch beforehand and still end up with this same reaction from my body. When I eat *nothing* in the afternoon instead of carrots, I usually feel slightly less hungry!

(In case it matters: I'm a 24 year old female, healthy BMI at 5'4'' and 128lb, I'm eating at a small deficit each day to slowly make my way down to around 120lb)

Does anyone else experience this, or know why it happens? It seemed like a good choice because it's easy to take to snack on at work, but I guess I should choose something else instead.


  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Because despite all of the good nutrition packed in there, they're still almost 100% carbohydrates? There's a good bit of sugar in carrots, also, as vegetables go. Your body is going to process the carrots super fast and leave you with a bit of a "sugar" crash.

    Try using a bit of full-fat ranch (or at least not non-fat) or peanut butter to dip them in, or eat a piece of string cheese alongside them. A little fat and/or protein will keep you fuller longer.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I've had this same experience. I hadn't thought about the carbs, @BarbieAS, but that could be it. Interestingly, I don't have the same experience with raw celery (not as many carbs, I guess. . ) or with cooked carrots.
  • 123juliaj123
    123juliaj123 Posts: 75 Member
    I have cut back on carrots as I realised they made me hungry too and yes I think its because they are high in carbs which I didnt realise before..time to find an alternative you like.

    I tend to keep a mixed salad in the fridge ready to nibble on if I get peckish and a pot of cottage cheese to go with it, I usually feel satisfied after that and find I tend to want less to eat later if I do have a salad snack mid way
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    I have the same thing if I eat an apple by itself. If I add some protein it doesn't happen, for example eating an apple with some peanut butter (or even PB2) doesn't have that effect. So maybe try with some dip that is high in either fat or protein?
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    I eat about 3-5 oz of raw carrot sticks (the thick kind) per meal (lunch/dinner) and they really help to "fill me up" so I eat less of the crappy carbs (i.e. bread, pretzels, etc.) stuff that's difficult for me to eat in moderation, plus they're lower in calories/carbs than I'd typically get with hard pretzels (what I use to have to satisfy my "crunchy" desires). I typically eat my carrots with cabbage "chunks" since I'm using those vegetables to give me something crunchy to eat to replace hard pretzels and raw cabbage makes a good crunchy food that's really low in calories and carbs & very filling. I also eat my meal protein first & my carrots last which may help with not having them stimulate my appetite later, nor do they appear to raise my blood sugar by much (i.e. little difference in my blood sugar with or without the inclusion of raw carrots with the same identical meal but they do help to fill me up). If I do have any carrots for a snack, I always include some protein (i.e. cheese stick) with them to try and keep my snacks "balanced".
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I can't actually eat them alone- I get nauseated- so I eat them with peanut butter- helps with the Vit. k sensitivity. Try eat them with something else to round them out.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    I wonder if you're eating those little pre-cut "baby" type carrots? For some reason, I can also eat those like popcorn. But big carrots, the ones I need (well, prefer) to peel, etc., are way more filling and flavorful. Maybe give that a try? I usually roast them, so yummy.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    I wonder if you're eating those little pre-cut "baby" type carrots? For some reason, I can also eat those like popcorn. But big carrots, the ones I need (well, prefer) to peel, etc., are way more filling and flavorful. Maybe give that a try? I usually roast them, so yummy.

    I used to do baby carrots, but recently switched to full sized organic carrots. I don't peel them-- just wash them thoroughly-- and then cut them into sticks. I find them to be MUCH more flavorful than the babies. They also last longer in the fridge.