trouble controlling appetite after adding exercise back in

Long story short, I was successfully losing weight by counting calories alone and was very disciplined with staying within my calorie limit but now that I am getting closer to my goal I have added exercise back in and now I find myself consistently going over my calories. Not by just a little. Like a lot. Its nearly all mental. Sometimes yes I am actually hungry but something about the fact that I am exercising makes me feel like I have earned all this extra food. I will do ok for one day, maybe two, and then I just have a hard time feeling satiated and overeat. Again, by a lot.

Just wondering if anyone else had a similar issue or if anyone has tips to help me fight the mental battle. These past few weeks the scale has taken a big swing in the wrong direction :/


  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    do you know how much you are burning? I have a fitbit charge and was surprised to see a walk that myfitnesspal said burned between 200-300 calories, actually was burning 300-400 calories on my watch. If you are starving be sure to eat exercise calories back