My Story

GrayJohn Posts: 74
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

I thought I'd share my story to those struggling to lose weight and keeping active.
From my mid-teens my father left my mother leaving the family home and since then I did a lot of comfort eating to compensate for the way I was feeling. I had just lost my job due to redundancy in the same week my dad left us all. It was tough but knew I had to be strong for everyone else as I was the eldest. This led to a lot of secret eating, going to drive thru's and then hiding the evidence.

Slowly the weight began to creep on, yet I just ate more to make myself "feel better" - anyway this spiralled out of control and wasn't taking care of myself. Years on I had gone from 190lbs to 300lbs! Years of self abuse had taken it's toll on my and by the time I was 25 years old I was really depressed with the weight I had put on and knew something had to be done but found the simplest things hard to do due to my weight. I hated myself. By the time I was 27 I was now 343lbs but in that time I met my wife. A few years on from dating her I asked her to marry me and she said yes!

I wanted to look good for my wedding so I joined a gym and started watching what I was eating - lots of soul searching made me realise that food wasn't my best friend and started cooking fresh ingredients and the weight started to fall off. My motivation was to look good for my wife on our wedding day and lost 70 lbs! I felt great and looked a lot better! The wedding went well and all of a sudden I lost motivation again and went back into my old habits. I put all the weight back on, in just under 3 years I was back at 340lbs. It was horrible, nothing would snap me out of it.

In January this year I started to develop chest pains and my blood pressure was high due to pizza'a, kebabs, McDonalds and KFC. This scared the s**t outta me and knew I had to go through the long process again of losing the weight, not for looking good but to live!!

I rejoined a different gym and cut out all bad foods, no more take outs and no more secret eating. It has been hard, but I had to do it for my health. For me, a switch flicked in my head. Eat bad foods and I could die. No brainer, I want to live a healthy, happy life. I do a lot of swimming now and also do plenty of exercise on the bike and tredmill as well as weights for half an hour. I go to the gym about 4 days a week. No more excuses - hard work and you do get the rewards. I have lost 92 lbs to date and so determined and motivated to get to my 100 lbs goal. Anyone can do this, If I can then anyone can. Believe in yourself and great things will happen. Plan your meals and try to be active.

My dad has never praised me, ever. The other week he said he was proud of me. That meant everything to me.

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    A very inspiring story. Thank you for sharing and best of luck to you in completing your 100 lb. milestone.:flowerforyou:
  • WOW ! I am very greatful to have come across your story as I thought maybe someone had shared my story with you (weight and ages mathed for the stages that we have both seemed to have gone through) .It brings me great joy and hope. I originally lost 150lbs and gained about 50 of it back and I plan to lose it all once again. This journey may be long but it helps to have great support in your corner. Thank you for joining. Welcome !
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    Hiya. I really respect you a whole lot for what you're achieving. Isn't it good to feel fit rather than sick and depressed!
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    Really inspiring, good luck with reaching your goal. Hard work can equal results, and whilst my weight loss cant compare to yours, the feelings of achievements are the same. well done :drinker:
  • GrayJohn
    GrayJohn Posts: 74
    Wow - thanks everyone! It means so much that this website has so many nice people out there with one common goal.

    Natalie, never compare yourself with anyone else - you're doing ace too. You keep it up and you to will achieve big numbers. It's there if you want it :flowerforyou:
  • JasonMan
    JasonMan Posts: 16
    Good story Mr. Flintstone its amazing how emotions play a big role in our eating habits. I too let my emotions get the best of me and now have overcame it as well. You are right you just have to stop making excuses and go do it. Truely a motivating story best of luck to you.
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