Recomp- bit of advice!

Ok can I ask a few questions please to check I've got this right?!
I'm 5'2, weight is 122lbs and BF% 23.
I would like to recomp.
I need to eat my TDEE daily? Is this correct? No extras for exercise or anything as TDEE includes this?
And lift? How often? Any advice for beginners or programmes I could look at?
Lots of protein etc?
Anything I'm missing?


  • FitStrongHealthy
    FitStrongHealthy Posts: 220 Member

    ^^^^^^This thread is very helpful and anyone there can answer your questions.

    To answer some of your questions though, no you don't have to eat based on TDEE, its a personal preference and it all depends on what you feel comfortable with. If you do decide to eat at TDEE, then don't worry about eating back exercise calories, again it's a personal preference.

    If you are a complete beginner, I would start out lifting or resistance training 2-3 times a week. Good programs are: New Rules of Lifting for Women, Strong Curves, and Strong Lifts 5x5, there are more but I can't think of them off the top of my head but they are talked about in the thread above.

    And last, no you don't have to eat a lot of protein. It gets discussed in the thread I linked above on how to estimate how much protein you need but again, like how you determine your daily calories, it's mainly a personal preference.

    I hope some of this is helpful to you, and good luck.