Painful exercise



  • shoofly435
    shoofly435 Posts: 74 Member
    bigpap97 wrote: »
    It seems the better I eat and excoriate the more pain I have in my lower back. I should have started by sharing I have PD and a very bad lower back, it seems my pain is spreading out horizontally. I can't get into see my Pain Management Dr. till the 3 RS of Nov. they say just go to the ER and they just give a shot that lasts about 6-8 hours. Any ideas, just keeping it iced cause it works better than heat.

    OP - I know a lot about PD my spouse has young onset. You should see your neurologist and make sure your meds are optimized. By meds I mean dopamine replacement if you are on that. Before my husband's PD meds were optimized, he had all kinds of pain issues, including what you're describing. On the correct dose of sinemet, requip etc he hardly has pain any more. Also, Yoga is helping him. Feel free to friend me.
  • bigpap97
    bigpap97 Posts: 54 Member
    I had a DBS put in my brain in 2002, that is a Deep Brain Stimulation. Before I had it l couldn't use utensils or write and sometimes crawl to get around