wieght training



  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    I found that cross training helps me. Sweat while weight lifting. I get on the elliptical, or switch with jumping jacks for ten minutes between sets to keep my heart up. Rest is only 60 seconds then on to the next set. 30 plus min workout wit the heart at an accelerated rate.
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    sorry, I didn't really explain it well. 50Kg is a measure of mass, the scientific meaning of 'weight' is how gravity acts on the object.

    here's a nice link the explains it more:


  • dlm7507
    dlm7507 Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks. I'll read it after work.
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    Makes sense. 50kg of mass would be the same mass on earth, on the moon, in the vacuum of space. Mass is mass. How that mass "feels" when trying to move it will differ based on the force exerted on it, such as gravity.
    And the effort will change (calories required). If you run the calculation based on 50kg on the moon with 1.622 m/s^2 (gravity) it will be a lot less joules.
    But, the mass stays constant in either.
  • dlm7507
    dlm7507 Posts: 237 Member
    Last night I looked up the formulas and verified them against MyFitnessPal. Also ordered a Polar Ft4. It was on my doorstep when I got home from work. The calories calculated by the FT4 and my spreadsheet also matched exactly, so I'm satified that I understand exactly what MFP and the FT4 are doing.

    Tonight was a kettlebell routine called Simple and Sinister. I measured the warm-up (halos, bridges & goblet squats) along with the workout (Turkish Get-ups and swings). I was so anxious to see the results that I forgot that I was supposed to do loaded carries when I was done. Next time. The is more metabolic conditioning than a regular weight training session. Peak heartrate 94% of calculated max with average at 83%. It suits me better than steady state cardio. My conclusion is that the calories from heart rate will work with weights in a metcon workout.

    Saturday is rings day (leveraged calisthenics). I'm anxious to see the result for comparison since tonight's 23.5 min kettlebell workout had the calorie total of 25 min Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort. Since I am meeting my fat loss goals I figured that I've been guessing right in the absence of that category in MyFitnessPal.

    I'm not doing standard weightlifting at the moment, but I have a business trip coming up and I might do that in the hotel gym just to see.

    That was a bit long winded but the bottom line seems to me if you are doing whole body compound exercises without a bunch of long rests, you can do reasonable calorie calculations while lifting heavy things. I'm still not convinced about it working with bodybuilding (Frankenstein's monster muscle isolation stuff). Time will tell.
  • dlm7507
    dlm7507 Posts: 237 Member
    Hamlet1222, I put the numbers from the link into the spreadsheet that I used for my original reply and got the same answer as the link. I think that you multiplied by ~10 twice (one too many according to your link). Be that as it may, I thank you for throwing the math into the discussion as it inspired me to do the same, and find what is probably a viable solution to the calories & weight lifting issue.

    The web page simplified the formula by leaving out multiplying by cos(theta) if you are not lifting straight up. Probably unimportant for our purpose, not to mention we are probably still in the realm of engineering +/- 10% ;0)
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    glad I was able to offer a useful angle on this issue. I wish there was a simple formula for adding in the bodies inefficiencies to the equation, there is a lot of energy still lost in balancing the weights, lowering them, given off in body heat.
  • dlm7507
    dlm7507 Posts: 237 Member
    I tend to over analyse, think and read too much. Doing the work consistently is what gets the job done. Ten weeks and four days ago I started using MyFitnessPal as a tool to not BS myself about what I eat with a goal of 2 lbs/week. As of today I've lost 21 lbs (exactly on target). I fell back a bit until I realized that I need to adjust my calorie goals as I loose weight. Loosing weight isn't all that hard is you consistently do three sets of don't eat too much. Keeping it off has been my issue. It's going to be nice to use this for maintenance and keep it off this time.