2 lb gain

This week I gained 2 pounds! I have been loosing at least a pound a week for the last 60+ days and then this. While I didn't do anything differently (yesterday I ate more than I should of, though not 2 lbs worth of food). I'm a little frustrated right now. Guess I was bound to hit a bumb sometime! If anyone wants too look at my food diary and offer suggestions that would be great. I do have medical issues and have to severely limit my fruit and vegetable intake.


  • AlanaKelly184
    AlanaKelly184 Posts: 2 Member
    yesterday may have just upset the balance. don't worry about it and move on. next week the loss will show. I have found In the past if I go off plan a little the day before a weigh in I can gain heaps.
  • veephil31
    veephil31 Posts: 53 Member
    Very true!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    It happens to everyone! Don't let it get to you, especially if you know you've continued to do the right things. That extra scale weight will drop off again quickly :smile:
  • Spike_G
    Spike_G Posts: 149 Member
    I quite often gained in a week without apparently changing my diet to any degree. The trend was always downwards and I just treated them as 'blips'

    As said above, don't fret about it, carry on as normal!