Anyone else with IBD or on a low residue diet?

Hi all! I just joined from Wales, UK, and I need some friends to help motivate me keep up my healthier eating and regular exercise habits.

I just got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease) last year and I'm finding controlling my calories really hard as I have to follow a low residue diet (little to no fibre) to keep my symptoms under control, so anyone else on a low residue diet I would love to be friends with you!

At the moment I'm able to tolerate tomato and cucumber (no seeds) and also cooked carrots, but they have to be quite mushy :(

It's really hard to feel healthy when I can't eat basically any fruit or veg, but it's better than being stuck in the bathroom for 24 hours a day, so I'm just trying to keep going one day at a time!

So anyone else who is trying to get fitter and lose weight on a low fibre diet I would love to hear from you!

Thanks :)