Feeling Weak at times from my diet, but still barely losing weight?

Been logging in at around 1500 calories a day for ten days straight and I have only dropped maybe 1.5 - 2 pounds. Being 5'9" at 233 pounds (fluctuating between 236.5 - 232 daily), I thought the weight would be falling faster than this and I'm wondering if I am maybe logging calories incorrectly? I haven't drank anything but water in the past two weeks and I get full really quickly now. I don't have access to a kitchen and have to go out to eat for almost all my meals, so it is kind of tricky finding accurate counts for everything.

Also, I tried to go social dancing last weekend and I felt so weak, that I thought I might pass out. I stopped and ate a hotdog at the nearby cafe solely for energy (it was all they had) and was able to dance again (carefully) after about a 30 minute break.
What's happening to me? Is this simply my body trying to adjust? I really want to start working out again, but I feel drained already.


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Are you a guy? 1500 is too low. I was that weak when I was on a VLCD diet (medically supervised).
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    1. Eating from restaurants solely so you can't know accurate rates of calories.
    2. I think yoy should be eating more (if u are a man) a min of 1600 to 2000 more you work out more fuel you need!
    3. You can buy an electronic cordless hot plate for your room to cook on or buy precooked chicken and salad mix noo cooking required. Or yogurt or cottage cheese etc.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Are you a guy? 1500 is too low. I was that weak when I was on a VLCD diet (medically supervised).

    Yes. I'm a guy. And I am going by MFP's recommendations. They actually had my calories lower than that. I can't get an exact count because I eat out a lot, so I am sure (I hope?) it is more than 1500.
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    First, losing 1.5-2lbs each week is great. You should be proud.

    When you are eating 1500 calories, you will want to make sure it's 1500 calories of nutritious whole foods. Do you have a fridge? A lot of your diet should be veggies. Are you getting enough of those when you are eating out? Often take out places slack on the veggies. Also, when you eat out, what are you getting? The salad or the burger? Maybe only eat out at places that have the calorie counts on the menu. That will help.
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    According to your food diary, this past week you were under 1500 calories each day without even considering exercise - once you add in the exercise you logged, your net calories are way, way too low.

    Of *course* you feel week. You need to NET at least 1500 daily.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    emhunter wrote: »
    First, losing 1.5-2lbs each week is great. You should be proud.

    When you are eating 1500 calories, you will want to make sure it's 1500 calories of nutritious whole foods. Do you have a fridge? A lot of your diet should be veggies. Are you getting enough of those when you are eating out? Often take out places slack on the veggies. Also, when you eat out, what are you getting? The salad or the burger? Maybe only eat out at places that have the calorie counts on the menu. That will help.

    It varies. My food diary is public. I try to eat one salad a day during the week, but it adds up. And yes, I have a mini-fridge.
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    I get you're maybe hedging because you have to estimate your calorie intake but your body is telling you loudly that you must eat more.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    jdleanna wrote: »
    According to your food diary, this past week you were under 1500 calories each day without even considering exercise - once you add in the exercise you logged, your net calories are way, way too low.

    Of *course* you feel week. You need to NET at least 1500 daily.

    Seriously? I thought as long as I ATE 1500 calories a day, I would be fine whether I exercised or not? (Don't laugh. I really didn't know.)
  • fawlty70
    fawlty70 Posts: 22 Member
    edited October 2015
    1 lb/week is a good rate of weight loss, IMO. 1500 is on the low end for someone your weight, especially if you exercise. Then again, it might not be a correct count, as you say.

    It could also be the timing of the meals. Try to find some snacks to tide you over. I recognize the "have to buy a hotdog because it's the only food around" thing. Portion packs of beef jerky are great to have with you (Costco sells them fairly cheap).

    I don't like cooking, and I do very, very little of it. I know lots of people frown on frozen meals and fast food restaurants, but for keeping track of calories they are great. When losing weight, I prefer eating at McDonald's, Wendy's, Subway etc, where they have some decent smaller meals with clearly marked calorie content. And when I eat at home, it's almost all Lean Cuisine and WeightWatchers meals, with added vegetables. You can find pre-cut vegetables at Costco too (they have a 3 lb bag of mixed vegetables for only $2.29 - just grab a handful and put on the plate, even I can do it :smile: ). Works great and is reliable for calorie content. YMMV as they say. Good luck!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Your biggest challenge is not having a kitchen.

    That said, you do not HAVE to eat all your meals out and you SHOULD be eating fresh fruit and vegetables in salads you make for yourself at home. You do'nt need a kitchen to make a salad. But you will have to buy fresh stuff every day no doubt.

    Buy yourself a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, some balsamic vinegar, some salt, some whole black pepper in a grinder. A mixing bowl. Make your dressing from a ratio of 50/50 oil and vinegar. Add a pinch of salt and grind black pepper over your salad.

    Buy some raw nuts or seeds and sprinkle a tbsp in your salads but try to avoid nibbling on your nuts. Walnuts are particularly good in salads.

    Keep a food diary, forget about counting calories. You cannot possibly do accurate calorie counting when you eat out like that.

    Write everything in your food diary. Weigh yourself every morning before breakfast. The combination of this information will help you assess your progress. Be aware that salty food affects your weight so do not worry about weight fluctuations. Instead look at the overall trend. Some people calculate the average from their weekly daily tallies to help cope with this.

    As to your calories. It may still be worth understanding how many calories you should be eating even if you don't have much idea of how that trnaslates into food. Go to hte fast diet website and find out from there what your TDEE is and how many calories you need to eat to lose either one pound a week or two pounds a week. I'm not sure how overweight you are but if you are only moderately overweight, then one pound a week is more sustainable than two pounds a week.

    As to weakness. Eat about every four hours including three meals a day. I find bigger fewer meals is better. So i try to eat only three meals a day and eat breakfast when i get up, lunch around midday and dinner early. Go to bed early.
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    edited October 2015
    jdleanna wrote: »
    According to your food diary, this past week you were under 1500 calories each day without even considering exercise - once you add in the exercise you logged, your net calories are way, way too low.

    Of *course* you feel week. You need to NET at least 1500 daily.

    Seriously? I thought as long as I ATE 1500 calories a day, I would be fine whether I exercised or not? (Don't laugh. I really didn't know.)

    Yes - eating back calories is crucial. MFP is designed that way. Other programs (ones that use the TDEE method) will consider your exercise routines when they set your base calories, but not MFP. here, you pick a general activity level separate from how much you workout and that's what your calories are based on. So if you exercise, you need to eat back some of those exercise calories. Otherwise you aren't fueling yourself adequately. That's especially important when you're eating at the minimum healthy calorie level.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    Okay. I will try out some of the suggestions here, especially with the NET calories a day thing. My goal weight is 145 pounds. My logic was that if I ate like I was already at that weight, I would eventually get there, which is why I never adjusted the 1500 calories a day thing.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    It is quite obvious that your weakness is caused by under eating. Glad that's out of the way :smile:

    While Patttience's advice will help you increase your calories to a more healthy level, fast, I am not so sure you need to go that far. And I am not so sure you cannot count calories if you eat out.

    Most chains do provide general information, and in many cases you can "deconstruct" your meal and estimate. Having said that... I've certainly brought my scale into more than one restaurant, especially if eating by myself.

    It helps that it is flat and looks like a tablet and no one can really tell what I'm doing once there is a plate on top of it (and if they can tell, no one has had the balls to comment to date ;-)

    And yes, at sit in and fast food restaurants I certainly specify how I want my meal prepared including no sauces or margarine or no seasoning or whatever the heck else I want. So far less than 1 in a 12 places has not accommodated me with zero to minimal fuss. And the solution, New Westminster IHOP, is that I am not showing up there to hand you money, which makes the other restaurants in your area richer by a good hundred bucks or so a month (cause my friends also go with me somewhere else) :smiley:

    I am assuming you're able to have a scale. And a small fridge. So really quite a few meals you can handle in house.

    High fiber cereal, greek yoghurt, some 0% fat splenda or stevia sweetened flavoured yoghurts... there is a few nice 200-400 Cal "meals" at any time of the day.

    Some pre-boiled eggs (if impossible to arrange boiling them, I've seen them sold that way pre-packaged, or pickled), and some cold cuts and a tomato, cucumber, onion, lettuce, salad and there goes another 300 Cal. Add cheese, or dressing, and you can add 50% to 100% Cals on top of that. An avocado would be better in my opinion as a way to add fat and calories. Or nuts such as almonds or walnuts or seeds such as pumpkins along the lines of what Patttience suggests.

    And then your outside meal.

    Generally the higher fat, deep fried meals have more calories. Not sure if they will fill you up more or not compared to a bulkier less fried up meal!

    In terms of fruits apples are a real good "fill up" value. Most fruits are low calorie. Bananas are a bit higher comparatively.

    Generally deficits ranging from 10% to 20% of TDEE (maybe 25% if you're obese) are considered safe bets for weight loss. Regardless, you should probably avoid eating below your BMR for an extended period of time to optimize your weight loss. When you fully parse out what this sentence means, you will realize that you can lose weight while eating a lot more than 1500 calories a day.

    High sodium and water retention will be your enemy at being able to tell how much weight you're losing.

    Just like Patttience, I strongly suggest apps such as Libra for android, Happy Scale for iphone, or www.trendweight.com or www.weighgrapher.com to help you figure out your underlying weight trend.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Generic entries are not accurate, try not to use those. Add lot's of protein and fats for satiety. Less processed food, will give you bang for your buck (more food to eat).