Road Trip! Any tips for keeping calorie goals?

I have a long drive ahead of me. We usually pull in for fast-food on the way so I feel a bit strange taking my own eats.
Maybe I just should and get over it, hey?
Otherwise - any one got some advice for dieting when on the road?


  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I take my own snacks (fruit, nut and seed mixes, protein bars, and low-cal drinks). If I want to get fast food, I look up the calories and try to pick a sensible option.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    I take my own snacks (fruit, nut and seed mixes, protein bars, and low-cal drinks). If I want to get fast food, I look up the calories and try to pick a sensible option.
    what she said _
    and if you cannot look up the calorie count for the food maybe you can eat 1/2 of the fast food meal and save the other half for the next day as well
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Almost all fast food places have lower calorie options and some can be made even lower by holding the sauce. For instance, Wendy's has grilled chicken Go Wraps, which have, I think, 260 calories. Hold the honey mustard sauce which usually comes with it and add yellow mustard and now it's 230 calories. Two of those is usually enough for me. As a bonus, those are on the value menu.
  • tryin2die2self
    tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    I take my own snacks (fruit, nut and seed mixes, protein bars, and low-cal drinks). If I want to get fast food, I look up the calories and try to pick a sensible option.
    what she said _
    and if you cannot look up the calorie count for the food maybe you can eat 1/2 of the fast food meal and save the other half for the next day as well

    If I know I am going to be on the road all day I pack a lunch, a few good snacks and then measure out a few protien/meal supplements. If I get to the point where nothing is any good where I am, I can always get a milk/water and make a shake.

    Another option is get on Google and do a map recon. Take a little time, see what is on the way and if there is anything nearby in the towns you pass through. There could be a perfect spot a half mile off the main drag and you would never find it.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    kiara04 wrote: »
    I have a long drive ahead of me. We usually pull in for fast-food on the way so I feel a bit strange taking my own eats.
    Maybe I just should and get over it, hey?
    Otherwise - any one got some advice for dieting when on the road?

    Get out and walk whenever possible. It's good to get up and stretch about once an hour anyway, so if at all possible, stop at places where you can do short scenic hikes or something, even just a few hundred metres. Or if you are going to stop for something to eat, park some distance away from the place and walk there. When you get to your destination at the end of the day, park your car at the hotel or wherever you're staying, and walk to find food. My husband and I do this, and there have been days we've gotten in several kilometres during the day or after while trying to locate a good place for dinner.

    When I was young, my family travelled a lot, and my mother often made sandwiches. We'd stop to eat them at a picnic area and then go for a walk.

    Or just try to make good choices at the fast food places. For example, Subway might be a better choice than McDonalds.

  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    You have a few options:

    a) Take your own meal (Hopefully not needing to be refrigerated) & eat as planned

    b) Pick a restaurant that has nutritional information available and eat within your calories. When I do this I look at their menu and pre-plan my order so I know what fits into my calories but is also best value for calories (I can have more chicken nuggets than burgers). Don't be tricked into thinking the healthier looking option is always lower in calories.

    c) Eat whatever you happen to get (but still log). If you are logging accurately 99% of the time, one "bad meal" will not ruin your progress apart from some temporary water retention.

    Personally, I don't go on road trips/holidays often, so I would pick option c as I am a big believer in moderation. However, I don't let one day of eating whatever and not caring turn back into a lifetime of eating whatever and not caring. You have to pick what works for you.
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    I love road trips and heading out in three weeks driving 1400 miles.... Im solid with logging and know to only eat one small thing on dollar menus..and to pack some nuts and air popped popcorn. Take a few liters of water.
  • scottnelson401
    scottnelson401 Posts: 2 Member
    Subway club 6" on wheat!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Subway club 6" on wheat!

    As a chop salad with dressing on the side!
  • sonyaruns
    sonyaruns Posts: 24 Member
    I'm on the road all the time for work, and I find it helpful to take some fresh vegetables, fruit and almonds along for snacking or to fill in the nutritional gaps in a fast food meal. I have a chill bag that can go into the freezer every night and keep things nice and cold