Starting all over

I am looking to get motivated by the wider community. Been battling my weight for a number of years with ups and downs. Back up to 200lbs and need a change! Need motivation ☺️


  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello. I have recently returned to MFP because I re-gained the 30+ pounds that I had lost a few years ago. Kind of mad at myself for that. I could use some new "MFP" friends and I could definatley use a pep talk every now and then.
  • Mel_pinkninja
    Mel_pinkninja Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I know exactly how you feel. The greatest thing is that there's a community out there that is supportive. I've sent you a friend request. Let's keep motivating each other
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You can do this! :)
  • KiraKray
    KiraKray Posts: 20 Member
    I am in the same boat.. got comfortable after weight loss and let it creep back on..

    I sent you a friend request so we can motivate each other
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    Me too! I've been up and down with my weight for years, currently in a prolonged 'up' and really struggling to get going on the 'down'. I know we can do it!!!
  • Mel_pinkninja
    Mel_pinkninja Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the motivation guys! Added you all as friends too, let's support each other
  • fabat52
    fabat52 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I started MFP 3 years ago. I did well at first went from 179 to 161. But then I goofed off. Went on and off several times but no real commitment. I recently came home from vacation to find myself at the highest weight ever at 190.4lbs. I knew I had to get serious. In the last eight days since this realization I have lost 7.4lbs. I have 150.4 lbs to get to goal. If you want a friend to encourage and be encouraged by send me a friend request.
  • Tilley_2015
    Tilley_2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I joined MFP in 2012 and lost 17 pounds. Last year I lost my drive and had every excuse in the book not to track my food or jump on the treadmill. I am ready to face reality and get back in the game. I would love to have new friends with the same drive to motivate and inspire each other. Sending you a friend request and anyone else, who might be looking for new friends, please feel free to send one to me. :)
  • Hi guys ! I can't control ate my weight is always up and down :neutral: ... But mostly all the time is up, I used to be 200 lbs and I did a diet for 6 months and lost around 30 pounds but 20 of them are back again ... I join this because I want to loss 50lbs I know it will be hard but not impossible !
  • funfitfreeme
    funfitfreeme Posts: 64 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm in the same boat. A dropped 20 pounds using MFP around this time last year. But got off track and gained most of it back. I'm recommitted and feeling clear about my plan of attack.

    I'm going back to what has worked in the past (planning, prep and consistency.)

    I'd be happy to add any and all of you as friends (not exactly sure how to do that however. :) )
  • falconaviation73
    falconaviation73 Posts: 20 Member
    Got in great shape for the summer then 15 pounds crept back during a "bulk" period that needs to end!