Ugh...have to do this again

Hi, this is my 2 time doing this. Lost 50lbs and have gained them all back. Had a bad foot injury and prevented me from exercise. Not a good excuse but it's the one I am using now. Lol Anyway I have to get healthy again!! Looking for support to make it through again.


  • laurenthecarts
    laurenthecarts Posts: 41 Member
    Add me :) I've just started my second stint too - my excuse is that relationships are wonderful, but bad for diet motivation. Been with him for a year now and have just braved the scales to discover I've almost put on exactly what I was so proud of losing. Too many Netflix nights with crispies! ...And chocolate... and....
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    I've been there (back injury 20 yrs ago that still acts up), I try not to look backwards at what was done (or undone) but forward to how good I feel when I'm in better shape - you can do it!
    One point (from personal experience) if the Dr/Physical Therapist has given you exercises/stretches for the bad foot, keep doing them even when you feel better. I've found that when I use the back PT as a morning stretch it 1) reminds me that I need to be aware of that injury so I don't baby it or over do it and 2) it seems to help loosen it up and I'm less achy when I exercise and throughout the day if I skip the exercises.
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi. I have started and stopped so many times this time I am here for good. Glad to see you made the choice to do what worked the first time to lose it again. @RWayne what type of back injury. I am currently going through a second herniated disc in same area which will require a second surgery. I really like your post. I assume I will do PT again after surgery (MD felt PT wouldn't be helpful with herniated disc. But had PT after prior surgery to help strengthen muscles. I think I will try your method to see if it helps.
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    Chasity6 - car injury about 20 years ago - I hit the seat belt so hard the necklace I was wearing (which was under the belt) left a bruise on my chest. Spent about 4 months in PT afterwards. Movement in any way helps -even if it's just to walk to the mailbox to put a letter out; be slow and methodical.

    Some yoga poses might help too - Yoga Journal had an article recently about poses to help with back pain - it uses a stretch band to help guide the leg while stretching. since adding this to my routine I've had one spasm attack in the past 4 months or so...<happy dance> :smiley: I also actively watch how much I carry, try to keep the loads evenly divided between both hands or switch often, bend at the knees, all the stuff the dr has probably already told you about.

    PS I'm no doctor - this is what works for me :smile:
  • GETU1N
    GETU1N Posts: 1,811 Member
    Hey... Get after it