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gotta stay on it this time.

Hey. I'm from oklahoma an I'm a momma of 3 beautiful kiddos an I have no excuse to not be working on myself for sure. Inspiration from anyone else out there would be much appreciated. Good to be here. B)


  • TheLondonFella
    TheLondonFella Posts: 5 Member
    Heya, Outlaw (or should one call you Momma??).

    Good luck with your "journey".

    I'd say the number one rule is: "If you don't buy it, you can't eat it" ... which is pretty self explanatory.

    Also, bread/rolls tend to make me put on weight overnight, so I'd steer clear of any of it (see above rule!).

    I stopped eating bread (again!) only 2 days ago, and already I'm feeling less bloated.

    Stick with it, and good luck ... all the way from London, England :-)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Good luck! :)