I need help.

Back in 2013, I did very well, I lost 65 lbs. And maintained and kept it off. Last October after 7 months of trying, my boyfriend and I conceived our little girl. I gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy. (I also developed high bloodpressure, and preeclempsia at the end of my pregnancy) I lost 30 lbs immediately after giving birth. But thats it.

I have maintained since June 12th, 2015. (Exercise was out of the question after having the baby, I tore the ligament in my right knee while sleeping...Dont ask me how, I have no idea. I went down for a nap after my Mother came over to watch the baby so I could sleep. and woke up with a sore/torn ligament) My knee still isnt stable.

What can I do? I need to get better on my calories since I am now back at work and I can actually plan ahead.


  • randomsue
    randomsue Posts: 179 Member
    Exercising isn't out of the question. There are exercises you can do with dumbells and in a chair. Look on youtube and find 1 that appeals to you. Ask your doctor what she/he would recommend for exercise. Swimming is an option, chair workouts, walking with a knee brace. Just get moving in some way and track what you eat here. Weight loss happens in the kitchen.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Log your food, get a food scale, stay in a deficit :) You'll lose the other 30.
  • KAWittler1970
    KAWittler1970 Posts: 74 Member
    Swimming is the best and least damaging. I have a knee injury also but i keep going to the gym and yoga and even martial arts.
  • Micmaust
    Micmaust Posts: 10 Member
    It takes a long time to heal joint injuries. So you have to find an exercise that you can do safely. But more importantly as Arditarose said, stay in a calorie deficit day to day. Portion control cannot be overstressed. Get a small digital scale, use smaller plates, eat consciously.
    RAREBIRDART Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you everyone. My boyfriend and Me are going to start small basic exercising. Walking.