Do these suggestions really work or are they a waste of money?



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    jenniator wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    While I was at my doctors appointment for blood work, me and my doctor were discussing my weight loss progress and how much weight I've lost. He recommended that I should get some Raspberry Ketones tablets since they burn fat faster and increase your metabolism which will really help speed up the weight loss progress. I was wondering if that's true. Do Raspberry Ketones tablets really burn fat? I don't think it's true, but it's always better to check than to be sorry :)

    @jenniator I have been mainly living on ketones only for the last year. I do eat 2600 calories daily so I have only lost 30 pounds on ketones but have lost inches of fat from head to toe with 6" at just the waist. 40 years of life defining IBS was cured in six months and still is cured. My objective was and still is pain management that occurred after the first 30 days.

    I produce my own ketones however from fats vs. glucose from carbs instead of buy man-made ketones.

    All I did in my case was to eat <50 grams of carbs daily which I did by removing sugars and all grains from my diet at the age of 63. Now my liver makes the ketones that I need for total health in my case. Others may be different.

    When most any human will eat <50 grams of carbs and make up the difference with fats (coconut oil is my go to fat) they will go into nutritional ketosis because that is the way we are made/evolved.

    I did not know about this but stumbled into the concept trying to prevent starting Enbrel injections for pain before I found this website which is awesome by the way.

    Yes I understand most people do not hurt bad enough to give up bread and other carbs to live on a keto diet for life and that is fine. I was going down for the last time so to speak so I had NOTHING to lose and life to gain if it worked. Like for many others on MFP living on ketones due to being in a state of nutritional ketosis it is working very well for me and giving my family new hope as well as they watch me recovery month by month.

    Google some of the keywords in this post if you want to know more or visit a MFP subforum that has members living on ketones vs. mainly glucose.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't believe this story.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    Wait a minute the Raspberry stuff is not real ketones like the body makes. These real commercially available ketones are $5+ per serving. 90 servings are like $460.00 from this MLM company. :(

    Dr. Peter Attia was the first source of my 'ketone' education. Clearly Exogenous Ketones work per Dr. Attia lab tests. I will keep making my own ketones since I own my own liver by just eating <50 grams of carbs daily. :)
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Honestly, your doctor is clueless! If you trust him in other matters, that's one thing, but otherwise, I'd be looking for a new doctor!

    Keep in mind that it is better to lose a bit slower to minimize the loss of muscle mass, so if you're already losing at a decent rate, why mess with what's working?
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Psyllium husks! Steer clear. They help some people but for me they give me excrutiatingly painful cramps and horrible gass. I get plenty of fibre from fruit and veg. I also steer well clear of wholemeal/ grain products- but thats another issue.

    Also steer cleer of the laxative and high caffine teas- which is what i think they are (along with all the Bootea, and Teatox etc.).

    Raspberry ketones- huh! If they worked they'd be prescribed on the NHS and no one would be overweight. (I'm being flippant here)

    The protien powder is okay- as long as you log the calories and it doesn't take you over- and the main thing is ... that you enjoy it. Never force yourself to eat or drink something you don't enjoy- it's just setting up bad patterns (not that i think you have those). Some people feel the need for weight loss/management to be punative, thats all.
  • jenniator
    jenniator Posts: 475 Member
    Wow thanks everyone so much for the information and warning me about the fake products :D I had a feeling the tea's and raspberry pills were kinda like placebo's and they don't do anything, but I just wanted to make sure since I'm not a expert on the subject :) Pretty funny how almost everyone here knows more about nutrition and weight loss than my own doctor! But then again, maybe it's because like someone else above said, that they only get one class on the subject.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    In my experience, doctor's aren't adequately 'clued up' on nutrition or weight-loss (Again, in my experience!).

    Medically - they clearly know the benefits and logic's of weight loss but they are NOT nutritionists. The advice I have been given in the past, from my doctors - has been very far-fetched.

    When my doctor told me I needed to lose weight, his first suggestion was 'Just go for jogs a lot' and 'Don't eat carbs'. Personally, this was really lousy and bizarre advice and I'm so glad I became a MFP member and clued myself up. I did the total opposite to what my doctor suggested and lifted weights, incorporated cardio and ate a HECK load of carbs at a deficit. I've lost over 30 lbs doing so..

    I'm surprised your Dr suggested those things to you. I personally wouldn't pay any attention to him/her..
    That advice is not useful.

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Was this Dr. Oz?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Save your money.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I am very skeptical of virtually any supplement. There are a few things that help specific things, but all you need to do to lose weight is have a calorie deficit. I'd be a little worried about my doctor if they recommended this type of thing. I might ask them if they had any science they could point me to, to back up what they recommended.
  • Susiefun
    Susiefun Posts: 18 Member
    Hello, this is an old post but I am amazed by your doctor. In the United States, most doctors are really ignorant about nutrition and diet, and are all about prescribing pharmaceutical drugs!

    For your doctor to recommend non pharmaceutical items impresses me beyond belief! You are lucky!

    I don't know anything about the raspberry ketones. I read a lot of reviews on them and the majority of people said they didn't work. However, many people who take diet supplements don't diet or exercise, thinking a pill will do it for them. My guess is they weren't doing the work. I have not tried them and likely won't.

    I am super shocked your doctor recommended protein in the morning! I read that upping your protein intake in the morning, or having the majority of your protein in the morning can bring faster weight loss, or help if you plateau. I am mainly vegetarian, and don't do much protein, but I find if I have a couple eggs in the morning, I'm full longer, and I lose weight faster than if I take in my protein later in the day. I'm impressed your doctor was aware of this, as I don't see much about it, but it definitely works for me!

    I also tried pu erh tea today. It smelled bad, like smoked salmon. Tasted very earthy. I am sensitive to caffeine, and I felt the caffeine for hours. However, I did not come crashing down like I do coffee. It had an appetite suppressing effect on me, as well as cutting my sugar cravings. I am going to test it again tomorrow, to make sure.

    I tried oolong and green tea, both supposed to help with weight loss, but neither worked for me. However, green tea and pu erh tea are so good for you and have so many excellent health benefits. I have NEVER had a doctor suggest anything healthy to me! Only pharmaceutical drugs! For a doctor to suggest something healthy amazes me!

    I test things as long as they sound safe--my criteria--naturally sourced, or been around for ages (like the teas). I do quite a bit of internet research. I always search "side effects", and read reviews. (I avoid chemicals, like diet sodas with artificial sweeteners that have only recently come out within the last 40 years)

    People have different blood types, different allergies, different diets, different everything.
    So different things work for different people.
    I did a low carb, high protein diet and got very very ill.
    I went on a low fat, high carb diet, lost 70 lbs, looked and felt great!

    I started eating fats again because "coconut oil is so good for you," and gained back 50 (after maintaining for years). So I'm back here. But my point is, everyone is different.

    Things are going to work differently for EVERYBODY. You really have to pay attention to what is happening in your own body.

    The pu erh seemed to work for me today, but again, today was the first day I tried it. That's how I ended up on this board, because I was researching it.

    As for fiber, that was another great suggestion. A lot of people today don't get enough fiber in their diets. I know it's hard for me to get enough fiber in mine because I'm doing caloric restriction, even though I eat whole grains and veggies.
    I don't take fiber supplements because they don't agree with me. But again, fiber is very good for you and certain types of cancer preventative, and also, I believe sometimes fats will bind to them and be eliminated.

    Your doctor recommended upping your fiber, teas full of antioxidants and health benefits...bumping up protein in the morning...I don't know about the ketones as I have never tested. But I think your doctor gave you some nice suggestions. You are lucky to have a doctor like that.

    I have a friend whose doctor suggested lap band surgery. Maybe had a yacht payment coming up. I'd prefer a doctor who recommended a healthy diet, fiber and tea first! Best wishes!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    A calorie deficit is free......