In this for lifestyle change

I'm a 57 yo veteran with a variety of health issues . In my 12 years of service I maintained a healthy weight and fitness level . In the last 28 years I've yo-yoed from obese to fit and back to obese again . In 2012 I was introduced to DDPYOGA via a YouTube video " Arthur Never Give Up " .. I bought the CDs and adopted the eating goals and went from 255 to 194 in a little over 5 months .. More health issues hit me as they do anyone . I dropped the eating plan , dropped the exercise and ballooned back up to 252. This year in June 2015 , my birth month , I searched my soul , I made a vow that I wouldn't look for the quick fix but I would look for the permanent fix and that requires a complete lifestyle change.. I read many articles on food & nutrition ( Prevention has a great book of same title ) and decided no more diets , just eat healthy .. That required I do something I never have before .. Log EVERYTHING that goes into my body and All the exercise I do to expend the fuel ..
MyFitnessPal has been a Godsend .. It has taught me that even when I feel I'm eating healthy I'm not ! I'm learning though everyday ! I also starting a walking program using MapMyWalk .. I now added back DDPYOGA and other cardio and strength training .. Since June I'm down from 252 to 222. I'm at a plateau now but know that is my body adjusting .. I'm not looking at what I'll weigh by Christmas 2015 , My goals are what I'll be in 2018 by my 60th Birthday .. Taking the long view helps make this a Lifestyle Change !
I live in Lancaster County Pa .