Vegan weight loss


I have been living a vegan lifestyle for the past 3.5 years and really enjoy it. Due to a lot of stress resulting into overeating and neglecting my workout schedule, I have gained about 12kg in the past 6 months :/ Egh!

Now I am trying to get rid off those again by eating less, working out more and adding some kind of physical labor to my daily schedule.

Hope to find some like minded people here :)


  • Hey, Im currently attempting to start eating vegan :) Ive been eating vego for the last month and really enjoying it, its def making me more mindful of my choices and hopefully will assist me with shifting some weight too. Feel free to add me.
  • kkcoradini
    kkcoradini Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm about to turn 40 by end of the year. I'm a vegetarian but most days I eat a vegan lifestyle. I taught Pilates/Yoga/Spinning up until March. I've had migraines since I was 4 and was diagnosed with Narcolepsy in 2004. A needed change in my medicine changed my metabolism and I quickly gained 16.5 lbs in the last 2 months. I had an SVT in August and they have now added yet another med that slowed my metabolism. Very frustrated but trying to figure out how to move forward with this different lifestyle and lose what I gained.
  • RochelleD1989
    RochelleD1989 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I have been vegan for the past 2 months and love it. My weight has dropped 12 lbs so far and I'd like to see that same amount gone again. I am training to be a BodyPump instructor and want to look the part. I cook most meals at home and eat lunch out about once a week. I am always looking for new dinner ideas. Would love some support from like minded people