Walking Miles and Swimming my new journey

Hi Everyone when I first started with myfitnesspal I was shocked at how much I weighed at that was 230 pounds one year ago I could hardly go around the block without being so winded well a year later I'm now doing between 5-8 miles of walking and almost 2 hours at a time and I added swimming to my workouts as well plus I'm also going to the gym and walking on the weekends so I'm hoping to be out of the 200's by the end of the year. I've got great support at home as my husband is also joining me and I love it cause I'll be helping him as well. Please remember to stick to your goals and you will see changes I have I've already dropped 3 sizes in clothes and etc. please feel free to add me as a friend.


  • germaine_yee
    germaine_yee Posts: 299 Member
    Hi, I just started a walking program and will add swimming in my program soon. Let's support each other. =)