My New Journey will need support

I'm starting a new journey to my weight loss goals and I will need all the support and motivation I can get my goal is to be out off the 200's by the end of the year I know I can do it below is a little story of how I've started and done and what my new journey is.

When I started one year ago I was told I need to lose weight and so I decided ok I need to do something and I decided to start walking and I started around the block and was so winded and could only go for 30 minutes and each week I added 5 more minutes and a block each week and now a year later I can do between 5-8 miles and I'm usually gone almost 2 hours and I've gotten to a point where I can now run and walk I couldn't even come close to doing that a year ago.

As for my new journey I will be walking on Saturdays and Sunday's and Monday, Wednesday's, and Friday's I'm at the gym and Tuesday's and Thursday's I'm going swimming with my husband, plus I'm going to be logging the activities I do at work.

Please feel free to add me as a friend and support me on my new journey.