Postpartum mommies!



  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    My kids aren't babies anymore but oh man, does this post bring back flashbacks! As someone mentioned above, a baby carrier can make a huge difference. You can get things done with your hands and comfort and bond with baby at the same time, and often they find it very soothing. I didn't have one with my first but used one religiously with my second, and was kicking myself for not using one the first time around!

    I lived off chocolate almonds for a while with my first, no judgement here ;) Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Ka74ryn
    Ka74ryn Posts: 5 Member
  • notafatmommy
    notafatmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Please feel free to add me.
    I have a 9 week old and a 7 and 10 year old. I have days that I want to eat the house and other days I want nothing. Plus little man's favorite place to sleep is on me. I pump so the DH can give him a bottle and I can shower, eat or sleep in, but DH is always at work. So I ended up feeding him the bottle and pumping only twice as much work.
  • SJSKET1982
    SJSKET1982 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I know the feeling! I have a 1yr 3yr & 5yr is hard! And doing this with kids is stressful as like you just snacking on a bit of choc just so you get something or like me when they are all in bed after a hard just too tired to cook and its easier getting the phone and a menu out! I'm working on it. Feel free to add me
  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    I do have a carrier! I do dishes (try) with him in the carrier, but I end up putting his bum in the sink and wetting it. I have a boba wrap though so I think I can't use it on my back. I use it to do laundry with him. But a couple days ago I had the stroller in our house (its left in the car) I would put him in it and stroll him into the laundry room with me lol so much easier. He just turned 3 months.

    It's uncomfortable bending over with him in the wrap. I definitely need to get comfortable though. He only takes about 3-4 naps and they are 30-60 minutes each.
  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    So im thinking off cooking 4 pounds of ground beef and freezing it in portions. That way I just have to reheat it to cook.

    Peppers, boil then freeze in portions also. Things like that. I'm just having space issues due to all the frozen breastmilk I have in there. Lol
  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    SJSKET1982 wrote: »
    Hi I know the feeling! I have a 1yr 3yr & 5yr is hard! And doing this with kids is stressful as like you just snacking on a bit of choc just so you get something or like me when they are all in bed after a hard just too tired to cook and its easier getting the phone and a menu out! I'm working on it. Feel free to add me

    I wouldn't be surprised if you never are those are some crazy ages!
  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    It's complicated finding time to cook. My favorite thing I get told is "nap when the baby naps." Oh OK so when my baby is up I'll ignore him to clean, run errands, pump, try to eat. There is no need to play with him or anything. Pfft. Not like they are developing.

    He takes 3 naps. An hour each. Through the whole day. First hour I try to eat breakfast and do dishes, plus pump. 2nd nap clean, laundry, pump. 3rd nap clean, rest of the dishes, hubby comes home, cook dinner (frozen meals that are filled with who knows what) or take out, pump. The hours in between I'm playing with him, feeding, changing (diapers and slobber clothes.), dealing with crying, spit (saliva and milk. Mostly milk.)

    FINALLY he's asleep at night. I get a chance to shower, then I have to give hubby some conversation time lol. By the time I'm done being able to sit it's 10-11 pm and I'm done. I go to bed and wake up at 2 am for a diaper change and feed. Then I'm able to go back to bed by 3-3:30. Then up again at 6:30-7.

    Get a carrier if you do not have one. It will help you do things while practically holding the baby. So you can rest when the baby is resting. Sleeping is important, do not underestimate it. You could also look into safe cosleeping for naps. It might help prolong the naps and let you both get some much needed rest.
    If your baby is still young and there is no medical reason preventing it, I would talk with a lactation consultant about nursing again if you are only pumping now. It is more time consuming and definitely more hard the first weeks, but then it gets much simpler and faster (have done both and really the difference is amazing after the first weeks). If you are nursing and pumping on top, I would either skip pumping completely or just limit it to once per day. it might also solve the spitting problem.

    I am napping with him. We both sleep longer! It's great. Lol. I am thinking about seeing a lactating consultant so I can try and breastfeed again.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Are you making sure to demand equal assistance from your husband? Don't make the mistake I did. No one person can handle it. Make sure he's doing as much as you are. Kids aren't like housework. They require 50% of you and 50% of him.
  • sade0580
    sade0580 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me, if you are taking friend requests! I understand the feeling. My youngest will be 5 months on the 25th. And in addition to the newborn, I have a 10 year old son, and a 8 year old daughter! I am trying to get back into the flow of things. And it has been a challenge so far. I try to go walking with my baby, but now it is getting cooler. And, I haven't been in awhile, because I don't want her to get a cold. The healthy eating that is another story. I try to eat healthy, but let's just say I snack a lot. Some are good like apples and grapes, and some bad like CHOCOLATE (muffins, bars, ice cream) ! I have to, have it! What can I say old habits die hard. I know ultimately that I just need to eat in moderation & watch the portion size. But, I really need someone to help keep me motivated. This is not my first time on MFP. I had lost 13 lbs. with MFP, last September, then I found out that I was expecting. So here I am trying to get back on track. The friends I did have, really aren't as active at this time. But, I really need someone to help give me that extra push, or just words of motivation. Wish I could say that I get that from my hubby. But, I have asked if we could work out together, and basically we just don't. Not trying to tell my whole life story, but could really use some motivating friends.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    Are you making sure to demand equal assistance from your husband? Don't make the mistake I did. No one person can handle it. Make sure he's doing as much as you are. Kids aren't like housework. They require 50% of you and 50% of him.
    umm in my life its like 98 percent me and 2 percent my husband got to do what you have to do. My husband works long hours and has a demanding job so he pretty much never helps. I have two kids under 2 and I have adapted to it honestly.

  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited October 2015
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    Are you making sure to demand equal assistance from your husband? Don't make the mistake I did. No one person can handle it. Make sure he's doing as much as you are. Kids aren't like housework. They require 50% of you and 50% of him.
    umm in my life its like 98 percent me and 2 percent my husband got to do what you have to do. My husband works long hours and has a demanding job so he pretty much never helps. I have two kids under 2 and I have adapted to it honestly.

    I know, everyone's situation is different. But it's important as NEW moms to make sure we don't fall into a trap of doing everything if we CAN'T. I just wanted to make sure OP knows she has every right to require her husband to assist (hearing her talk about trying to get the dishes done before getting a nap in herself irked me). Recovering from childbirth, trying to handle the housework, and being so sleep deprived you're clinically insane is the time we most need the help, as well as the time we are least likely to ask for it. It's almost like we're trying to prove to ourselves that we can handle it all. For me, with a severe reflux baby, I'm FREQUENTLY surprised we didn't drown together in a bathtub ages ago because of my stubbornness about asking for help. I did too much when I didn't have to and that was a mistake. So it's good she has both your perspective of how to make it work and another, cause who knows what her situation is:) These days I'm more like you, 98/2, maybe closer to 90/10. Hubby is in school 2 nights a week in the winter, and I work 2 days a week, winter is knuckle-down time!
  • aspen1377
    aspen1377 Posts: 60 Member
    I would love to be added by some of you new moms! I am desperately trying to lose the baby weight (and the weight I gained after the pregnancy I had lost right before). I have an 8 week old baby girl, and four BOYS ages 8,10,12, and 14....I would really like to connect with 2-3 people who have more than just 10-20 lbs to lose and have some daily accountability....
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    edited October 2015
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    Are you making sure to demand equal assistance from your husband? Don't make the mistake I did. No one person can handle it. Make sure he's doing as much as you are. Kids aren't like housework. They require 50% of you and 50% of him.
    umm in my life its like 98 percent me and 2 percent my husband got to do what you have to do. My husband works long hours and has a demanding job so he pretty much never helps. I have two kids under 2 and I have adapted to it honestly.

    I know, everyone's situation is different. But it's important as NEW moms to make sure we don't fall into a trap of doing everything if we CAN'T. I just wanted to make sure OP knows she has every right to require her husband to assist (hearing her talk about trying to get the dishes done before getting a nap in herself irked me). Recovering from childbirth, trying to handle the housework, and being so sleep deprived you're clinically insane is the time we most need the help, as well as the time we are least likely to ask for it. It's almost like we're trying to prove to ourselves that we can handle it all. For me, with a severe reflux baby, I'm FREQUENTLY surprised we didn't drown together in a bathtub ages ago because of my stubbornness about asking for help. I did too much when I didn't have to and that was a mistake. So it's good she has both your perspective of how to make it work and another, cause who knows what her situation is:) These days I'm more like you, 98/2, maybe closer to 90/10. Hubby is in school 2 nights a week in the winter, and I work 2 days a week, winter is knuckle-down time!
    clinically insane...that would be me lol you women that actually get help from your husbands, all I can say is I am extremely jealous! And be sure to let your hubby know you apreciate his help in anyway.. And by all means if anyone offers help take it! With both my newborns I had people that were going to help me the first few weeks and both times it fell through so it was just me alone. But yes if you can get help by all means get help! I just honestly I could of had help with my babies...but eithier way it will get better.

  • boriluvlumps
    boriluvlumps Posts: 19 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    Are you making sure to demand equal assistance from your husband? Don't make the mistake I did. No one person can handle it. Make sure he's doing as much as you are. Kids aren't like housework. They require 50% of you and 50% of him.
    umm in my life its like 98 percent me and 2 percent my husband got to do what you have to do. My husband works long hours and has a demanding job so he pretty much never helps. I have two kids under 2 and I have adapted to it honestly.

    I know, everyone's situation is different. But it's important as NEW moms to make sure we don't fall into a trap of doing everything if we CAN'T. I just wanted to make sure OP knows she has every right to require her husband to assist (hearing her talk about trying to get the dishes done before getting a nap in herself irked me). Recovering from childbirth, trying to handle the housework, and being so sleep deprived you're clinically insane is the time we most need the help, as well as the time we are least likely to ask for it. It's almost like we're trying to prove to ourselves that we can handle it all. For me, with a severe reflux baby, I'm FREQUENTLY surprised we didn't drown together in a bathtub ages ago because of my stubbornness about asking for help. I did too much when I didn't have to and that was a mistake. So it's good she has both your perspective of how to make it work and another, cause who knows what her situation is:) These days I'm more like you, 98/2, maybe closer to 90/10. Hubby is in school 2 nights a week in the winter, and I work 2 days a week, winter is knuckle-down time!

    i really appreciate your concer! It' so nice when people care! He does help yes. When baby was born he took off 3 weeks so i could heal and relax and get rest. Then when he went back to work he had to pick up a part time job so i could stay home with the baby. He doesnt trust NO ONE with our child. So he worked 8-5 then 8-12. But the morning job just fired him a couple weeks ago. :-(. So now hes looking for work and hes helping so much witht the baby were more like 60/40. I can have time for a shower!
  • filmnerd28
    filmnerd28 Posts: 2 Member
    I am exhausted I have a 7 week old his name is Charles Nathan "Trip" for short