hard to be healthy.

hey everyone. trying to be healthy is so hard for me! i try all different types of things to lose weight and it never works. i think my one solution is to just eat better and exercise more. but with ALL the different types of junk foods and fast foods when i don't want to cook it is so hard to eat healthy. honestly i don't want to be that way anymore, i want to also set a good example for my son. i always thought "oh it's weight from my pregnancy and birth control" but i can't blame those things all the time when my son is 2 years old and all i do is sit on my butt all day at work and then come home and be lazy! and being overweight makes diabetes and high blood pressure worst and those things run in my family. i just want to be a healthier me. (:


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member

    For now keep it simple. I started by just logging and seeing the sheer amounts was eating, I then just worked on reducing my intake still eating my usual foods. I also added daily exercise before I started work

    You can do it for you and your son. Good luck.
  • Marcus_2015
    Marcus_2015 Posts: 119 Member
    I don't think you have to be a huge cook to eat healthy. There are so many convenient foods that are easy to prepare (like frozen fish, pre-cooked chicken breasts, etc.).

    You have to look at junk food and fast food as a threat! Like @Therealobi1 said, start with logging and you will be shocked to see what that stuff is doing to you...

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    Fitness_WonderWoman Posts: 183 Member
    You can do it, you should do it! no excuses! just do it! life throws everyone a lemon, its what you do with it that makes a difference. However, change is hard. it was hard for me and some days it is still a struggle depending on my mood and because my life is hectic . I don't have kids but i still keep busy. Logging will be a huge start! also don't eliminate nothing, just eat less of what you normally eat and watch the difference occur. You can make changes to diet.. gradually, don't just hop into something crazy! give your son a chance and lead by example! exercise is exercise. no matter the type it can all be beneficial, if you know the form and know what you are doing. Don't overdue it, just do something that gets you moving and grooving! thats all. keep your head up!

    Good luck on your journey!
    Btw, i have a great blog you should read if you are interested! & add people on this site for extra motivation, it works!
  • CristalSCarter
    CristalSCarter Posts: 28 Member
    I know how you feel. After losing 60 lbs I've craved fast food and gave in then wasn't satisfied because in a way it made me sick lol I guess since my state of mind changed and I look at it as a lifestyle and not a diet I'm disgusted by most fast food. It'll take time but I'm sure you can do the same, trust me :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Caloric deficit is all that's required for weight loss.
  • mdrreneau
    mdrreneau Posts: 2 Member
    thank you everyone! a year and 3 months later i am doing the same! smh but this time i am starting over and see if i can stick too it.