What's your 1RM?

Just wondering what peoples one rep maxes are?

I'll start it off:

Bench press - 50kg
Incline press - 55kg
Shoulder press - 50kg
Don't know about anything else.

I'm sure there are loads of guys (and probably quite a few ladies too!) that could beat that :tongue:

Anyway, post away! :smile:


  • fitandgeeky
    fitandgeeky Posts: 232 Member
    Squat - 130 lbs
    Deadlift - 150 lbs
    Bench - 70 lbs
    OHP - 55 lbs
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Tested 1RM are currently

    Squat - 405lbs
    Deadlift - 475lbs
    Bench - 275lbs
    OHP - 135lbs
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    --Overhead Press: 95 lbs.
    --Deadlift: 280 lbs.
    --Bench Press: 180 lbs.
    --Squat: 245 lbs.

    On week 7 of an 8 week program with a trainer and will be testing for new PRs in one week from tomorrow. I'm hoping to achieve the following:
    --Overhead Press: 100 lbs.
    --Deadlift: 300 lbs.
    --Bench Press: 185 lbs.
    --Squat: 260 lbs.

    5'2" 128 lbs. 36 yrs old
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I don't squat, and I don't dead lift, but I do leg press

    Leg press - 945 lbs
    Bench Press - 275 lbs
    DB Overhead Press - 170 lbs
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Just wondering what peoples one rep maxes are?

    I'll start it off:

    Bench press - 50kg
    Incline press - 55kg
    Shoulder press - 50kg
    Don't know about anything else.

    I'm sure there are loads of guys (and probably quite a few ladies too!) that could beat that :tongue:

    Anyway, post away! :smile:

    How is your shoulder press and bench press the same, and how is your incline stronger than your bench press???
  • davideickelmann
    davideickelmann Posts: 87 Member
    Using this, http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/OneRepMax.html

    Bench: 260
    Squat: 330
    DL: 405
    OHP: 175
    Row: 253
    Clean: 225
    Push Press: 225

    Clean, PP, and DL are tested 1RMs. I've DL'd 192 KGs (422 lbs) before, but I haven't hit more than 405 for 1 for a while, so I feel more comfortable posting that. Tomorrow I'm going for 3x5@305, so I'll hopefully be able to comfortably put squat at 345 :-)