Looking for one on one friend

hi, I am looking for one on one friend who have more or less the same lifestyle. I am from Israel, the units I know is metric and kilogram, I am 40 years with 3 children, I want to report on daily bacis, I am 68 kg and I have to lose 11 kg. I am very active training for tiberia marathon in January 8 slightly injured from time to time. I need to contact someone whatsapp or mail or any other way that for this matters (exercise and food) privately. I don't need necessarily someone from Israel but the hours of sleeping and waking up need to be close to Israeli time. I need someone who wants a commitment for this issue, even obsessed, fully cooperative. I am also not an English speaker, but I am doing my best to communicate, I have a lot of friends at home but it is hard to find someone for this issues (most of my friends don't interest in weight loss and sports). I have also friends here and they are great but all of them talking pound and inches and the ours are opposite
If someone thinks the discrimination fits him I will be glad if I will be added to his list of friends and messages me and we will continue,
Thanks for anyone who likes to join me the journey