IIFYM help needed

Hi all,
Can anyone familiar with his way of eating provide me with some resources and or ebooks I can use to learn more about this?
Once you calculate your macros is there a way of meal planning to help you reach these numbers ( ie, some sensible guidelines?


  • nicolealamode
    nicolealamode Posts: 12 Member
    I assume you used a calculator on iifym.com (which is a great place to start if you're going to start watching your macros). I find, personally, it's very hard for me to hit my protein requirement without fitting a protein shake in at least once a day. So, my advice to you is to invest in a good protein powder that you enjoy and can work into different recipes and flavors so you don't get bored. I recommend a vanilla powder as it's generally the most versatile (add fruit to make it fruity, cocoa powder to make it chocolately, peanut butter to make it peanutty, etc etc.)