How do you deal with STRESS?

Stress plays such a big part of my life right now - how to I keep from falling back into the habit of eating my stress away? I know that exercise would help but where do I find the time. I'm running none stop, not getting enough sleep (averaging 4 hours if I'm lucky), tv does that even exist anymore, arrgh my weight is creeping up and I know it's due to the poor choice I'm making (which is part of my domino effect right now - which the key factor is finding time). How do you get rid of stress??? How do you find the time to do what is right? Please - help me with your tips on how to find the time and motivation to do the right things.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,169 Member
    I'm working full-time while also doing a post-graduate degree. If I'm not at work, I'm either at the university or at home working on projects.

    It takes some time management ... and saying "no". For example, on the weekends, I do not work on my homework until about 6 pm. I take the day to catch up on sleep, and get outside away from the computer ... and get groceries and do laundry and run errands ...

    I also include exercise as part of my daily life. I walk as part of my commute. I walk between the university and work. And while I'm at work, I take a few minutes now and then to get up and walk stairs.

    As for the food, I go quick and easy.

    Lunch is heated single serve Uncle Bens brown rice with heated steamfresh veggies and a tin of chicken ... all mixed together. Or La Zuppa soup with noodles and veg all mixed together. They fit within my calorie count and I figure they are reasonably healthy ... brown rice, veg, lentil soup ... stuff like that. It only takes a few minutes to throw together ... quicker than going out to get "fast" food.

    And yeah, I hear you about the TV. I actually took an entire evening off last week for the first time in months. I had handed in one assignment and was not going to start the next right away. I went for a walk to the beach with my husband, and then spent most of the evening watching TV, and did that ever feel weird. I felt so out of the loop with most of the shows. Oh well, it'll be another month before I can do that again.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I'm not handling it very well at all to be honest. But what does help is, whenever possible, preparing food in advance - a large soup to eat over the course of a few days (helps with logging too, as I can log it in advance). One meal-prep so I don't have to think about it for a few days (main meal anyway).

    Whenever I'm feeling extra stressed, I feel like I'm getting less done (because I spend so much time and energy worrying about not getting everything done) so having food prepared in advance helps a lot - even if I'm not able to get the work-out done, I can stay on top of my food intake at least. I also tend to eat the same things for breakfast every day (at least work-days) which helps too, because I know how many calories it is without having to log it first. So even if it's boring, when you feel like you don't have the time for meals and feeling stressed out over it, eating the same things for a few days can help -- you'd not have to think about it, you'd know you're staying within your calories etc.