Mio Energy

Hi everyone! I was using Mio Energy to replace my afternoon coffee and then "they" told me how bad it is for me. I guess because of the added fake sugar. Wanted to know if anyone had any experience with Mio Energy and maybe a replacement instead. My goal is to tone muscle and lose weight. I am in sales so I am constantly on the go, I don't have an office.


  • flaminica
    flaminica Posts: 304 Member
    edited October 2015
    ggillen412 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I was using Mio Energy to replace my afternoon coffee and then "they" told me how bad it is for me. I guess because of the added fake sugar. Wanted to know if anyone had any experience with Mio Energy and maybe a replacement instead. My goal is to tone muscle and lose weight. I am in sales so I am constantly on the go, I don't have an office.

    First rule of happy sane wellness is stop listening to "them" and start listening to you. Every "they" out there has an opinion, and you know the old saying about opinions and rectal openings...?

    If you're subbing Mio for coffee because of the sugar and cream in the latter, experiment with non-sugar sweeteners or try learning to like coffee black. Unless you are among the vanishingly small proportion of people who react to artificial sweeteners, the Mio is fine.

    Meanwhile, if co-workers moan about teh ebil chemicals, just joke about that second head with a third ear you're trying to grow until they get the message. Or ask them right out to stop it. I presume you don't pass judgement on their food choices. Unless you work with your mother, it's not really any of your co-workers' business.

  • desweds
    desweds Posts: 126 Member
    flaminica wrote: »

    First rule of happy sane wellness is stop listening to "them" and start listening to you. Every "they" out there has an opinion, and you know the old saying about opinions and rectal openings...?

    Flaminica - I love you! @ggillen412 - Listen to this wise woman!
    flaminica wrote: »
    If you're subbing Mio for coffee because of the sugar and cream in the latter, experiment with non-sugar sweeteners or try learning to like coffee black. Unless you are among the vanishingly small proportion of people who react to artificial sweeteners, the Mio is fine.

    Totally agree. I live on Mio style drinks. They helped me stop drinking sugary drinks with hundreds of calories. Are artificial sweeteners bad for you? Maybe - but not as bad as the horrible full calorie drinks they replace.
    flaminica wrote: »
    Meanwhile, if co-workers moan about teh ebil chemicals, just joke about that second head with a third ear you're trying to grow until they get the message. Or ask them right out to stop it. I presume you don't pass judgement on their food choices. Unless you work with your mother, it's not really any of your co-workers' business.

    I'm not one to tell them to stop as I like to hear opinions - sometimes they are even correct. But like mainstream news, I certainly take it all with a grain of salt.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    The only thing wrong with Mio Energy is that it tastes like cough syrup. There's nothing wrong with sucralose unless you just don't like the taste of sucralose or have some reaction to it.
  • Becka4Real
    Becka4Real Posts: 1,527 Member
    If you need a caffine hit in the afternoon your blood sugar might be dropping. Do you have a high carb breakfast or lunch? Something to think about. I know most people are too busy to get extra sleep, but also something to consider. I don't mind a bit of artificial sweetener in place of the sugar I would otherwise eat/drink. Do what works for you! Or, drink unsweetened tea. Lots of great antioxidants!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Unless you're told otherwise by a medical professional, there's nothing wrong with drinking MIO or coffee.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Nothing wrong with it! I like the point made above, though - consider why you feel like you need afternoon caffeine. A pick me up isn't a terrible thing, but sometimes the crash can be diet related and you can prevent that afternoon tired feeling.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I use it as a preworkout. Though my schedule has changed and I've been going to the gym around 10-11pm and all the caffeine is keeping me up until 2-3 :(