One for the ladies - period, bloating, cramps & cravings



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    This part of my life is in my past now (YAY!, but BOO! to hot flashes), but honestly, maybe things were different for people my age. Oh sure, I had cramps and tender breasts (try having cramps before ibuprofen was on the market with having endometriosis)... but having your period wasn't a big deal. You put on your sanitary protection and got on with life.

    I honestly never paid any mind to my cycle other than when we were trying to conceive, and it's not because it was a cakewalk, it's just because that's how it was treated while I was growing up... just another day, week, whatever. It wasn't some THING.

    You all have issues and that's fine, I'm not invalidating you. I'm suggesting gently that maybe it's best to not dwell. It happens ever month. Surely, as you've been dealing with it for many years now, you've learned some coping strategies.

    Franci, I will say this to you once. You are constantly complaining that you're hungry. Eat more protein and less treats. More vegetables and less fruit. I'm stepping over the line here and really don't care. Surely you've read the boards enough to know that fiddling around with macro balances can help greatly with hunger.

    I'm also aware from your posting history that you're unlikely to make a change to your eating habits, but make no mistake, your hunger is likely due to your dietary composition.
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    I also have endometriosis. I find that exercise does help my cramps, even if its just going for a walk.

    Cravings and weight gain is normal, fortunately mine go away after two to three days or so. Sometimes I cave, sometimes I don't. Don't feel bad about giving into a craving or eating something bad, just try not to go overboard with how much you are having. Easier said than done, especially during that time of the month.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I crave salt. I've never figured out why, but during that time, I want salt, salt, nothing but salt, the saltier the better. I'll aim for takeaways and McDonalds just for the sodium content. And I admit I'm not very good at getting a grip on it. I'm still struggling with it quite a lot.

    I'm an unlucky one though - exercise actually makes my cramps worse. :s
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    I actually think this is the reason I want hot things/heating pad, etc., too. It's kind of like..."I'm so uncomfortable that I want allofthecozythings." For me, at least, chocolate (and even tea) also falls into that cozy category, even though that does sound kind of weird.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited October 2015
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    So how do you explain that it just started happening out of the blue for me about a year ago when I reached a normal weight (and after losing my period for a few months, actually)? I can think of one time when it happened when I was still obese (and I had to eat a whole box of pasta for it to go away..)... just one. That's hardly 'years'.

    But sure, let's jump to the mental health conclusion without acknowledging that it could be the most reasonable explanation, which is that our body is going through hormonal changes at that time (maybe Google 'hormonal changes at ovulation' because it seems that a lot of you could benefit from a refresher in basic science).

    Anyway, I'm sad that @jnv7594 left the boards because of this thread.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    That's funny because it's not comfort food at all that satisfies me during that time... just bready things. Chocolate? nope. Ice cream? Nope. Just give me all the bread (which I really have no problem eating in moderation the rest of the time.

    But whatever. Wasting my time. Clearly it's all in my head. It just happens in my head exactly at the same time of my cycle every month.

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited October 2015
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    Self-fulfilling prophecy. Yup. Completely agree. Like justrollme, my comfort when I was young was a heating pad and cup of tea (remember... the no ibuprofen? heat was good pain relief). When you're uncomfortable, you want pampering and comfort.

    A lot of us self-soothe with food. I think doing it at that time of the month is no exception.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited October 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    So how do you explain that it just started happening out of the blue for me about a year ago when I reached a normal weight (and after losing my period for a few months, actually)? I can think of one time when it happened when I was still obese (and I had to eat a whole box of pasta for it to go away..)... just one. That's hardly 'years'.

    But sure, let's jump to the mental health conclusion without acknowledging that it could be the most reasonable explanation, which is that our body is going through hormonal changes at that time (maybe Google 'hormonal changes at ovulation' because it seems that a lot of you could benefit from a refresher in basic science).

    Anyway, I'm sad that @jnv7594 left the boards because of this thread.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    That's funny because it's not comfort food at all that satisfies me during that time... just bready things. Chocolate? nope. Ice cream? Nope. Just give me all the bread (which I really have no problem eating in moderation the rest of the time.

    But whatever. Wasting my time. Clearly it's all in my head. It just happens in my head exactly at the same time of my cycle every month.

    Francl, then you obviously don't fit my theory. I only stated but one of many possible reasons in my post.

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    So how do you explain that it just started happening out of the blue for me about a year ago when I reached a normal weight (and after losing my period for a few months, actually)? I can think of one time when it happened when I was still obese (and I had to eat a whole box of pasta for it to go away..)... just one. That's hardly 'years'.

    But sure, let's jump to the mental health conclusion without acknowledging that it could be the most reasonable explanation, which is that our body is going through hormonal changes at that time (maybe Google 'hormonal changes at ovulation' because it seems that a lot of you could benefit from a refresher in basic science).

    Anyway, I'm sad that @jnv7594 left the boards because of this thread.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    That's funny because it's not comfort food at all that satisfies me during that time... just bready things. Chocolate? nope. Ice cream? Nope. Just give me all the bread (which I really have no problem eating in moderation the rest of the time.

    But whatever. Wasting my time. Clearly it's all in my head. It just happens in my head exactly at the same time of my cycle every month.

    I find it amazing that you continue to point fingers and call everyone else closed-minded, while you resist responding to the idea that there could be a psychological problem at play. It is sad that there is a stigma attached to the idea of mental therapy in our society, but honestly, there's nothing wrong with exploring that avenue.

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    edited October 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    So how do you explain that it just started happening out of the blue for me about a year ago when I reached a normal weight (and after losing my period for a few months, actually)? I can think of one time when it happened when I was still obese (and I had to eat a whole box of pasta for it to go away..)... just one. That's hardly 'years'.

    But sure, let's jump to the mental health conclusion without acknowledging that it could be the most reasonable explanation, which is that our body is going through hormonal changes at that time (maybe Google 'hormonal changes at ovulation' because it seems that a lot of you could benefit from a refresher in basic science).

    Anyway, I'm sad that @jnv7594 left the boards because of this thread.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    That's funny because it's not comfort food at all that satisfies me during that time... just bready things. Chocolate? nope. Ice cream? Nope. Just give me all the bread (which I really have no problem eating in moderation the rest of the time.

    But whatever. Wasting my time. Clearly it's all in my head. It just happens in my head exactly at the same time of my cycle every month.

    Your out of line here.

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Op, could these strange things have any connection to the supplements your taking ? ( I won't call you out on it, but you and I both know what I'm referring to)
    These mlm products really can be harmful and are low quality . please rethink your current supplements before you end up ill.
    Many people on here have tried anything and everything to lose weight. Many have all fallen for mlm scams, diet pills and fads. People here can tell you that its all unnecessary. For weight loss all that's needed is a calorie deficit .
    But back to your period issues, please talk to your doctor about this . there might be something else going on . better safe then sorry !
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    edited October 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    So how do you explain that it just started happening out of the blue for me about a year ago when I reached a normal weight (and after losing my period for a few months, actually)? I can think of one time when it happened when I was still obese (and I had to eat a whole box of pasta for it to go away..)... just one. That's hardly 'years'.

    But sure, let's jump to the mental health conclusion without acknowledging that it could be the most reasonable explanation, which is that our body is going through hormonal changes at that time (maybe Google 'hormonal changes at ovulation' because it seems that a lot of you could benefit from a refresher in basic science).

    Anyway, I'm sad that @jnv7594 left the boards because of this thread.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    That's funny because it's not comfort food at all that satisfies me during that time... just bready things. Chocolate? nope. Ice cream? Nope. Just give me all the bread (which I really have no problem eating in moderation the rest of the time.

    But whatever. Wasting my time. Clearly it's all in my head. It just happens in my head exactly at the same time of my cycle every month.

    If I am one of the people who came across as suggesting it's all in your head, you have my sincerest apologies! I didn't mean it that way at all.

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    edited October 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    So how do you explain that it just started happening out of the blue for me about a year ago when I reached a normal weight (and after losing my period for a few months, actually)? I can think of one time when it happened when I was still obese (and I had to eat a whole box of pasta for it to go away..)... just one. That's hardly 'years'.

    But sure, let's jump to the mental health conclusion without acknowledging that it could be the most reasonable explanation, which is that our body is going through hormonal changes at that time (maybe Google 'hormonal changes at ovulation' because it seems that a lot of you could benefit from a refresher in basic science).

    Anyway, I'm sad that @jnv7594 left the boards because of this thread.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    That's funny because it's not comfort food at all that satisfies me during that time... just bready things. Chocolate? nope. Ice cream? Nope. Just give me all the bread (which I really have no problem eating in moderation the rest of the time.

    But whatever. Wasting my time. Clearly it's all in my head. It just happens in my head exactly at the same time of my cycle every month.

    If eating an entire pizza isn't comfort food then I don't know what is. Bread is one of my favorite things. Maybe bread isn't comforting to women?

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    So how do you explain that it just started happening out of the blue for me about a year ago when I reached a normal weight (and after losing my period for a few months, actually)? I can think of one time when it happened when I was still obese (and I had to eat a whole box of pasta for it to go away..)... just one. That's hardly 'years'.

    But sure, let's jump to the mental health conclusion without acknowledging that it could be the most reasonable explanation, which is that our body is going through hormonal changes at that time (maybe Google 'hormonal changes at ovulation' because it seems that a lot of you could benefit from a refresher in basic science).

    About the obese people who are posting that it's just excuses, let's just say I hope karma bites you in the a** and it starts happening to you as well if you ever reach a normal weight. That's all. For the others, well, maybe you'll start having the same issues when you get older too... or not. Either way I hope you'll learn empathy and to be a bit more open minded to the fact that just because it doesn't happen to you, it doesn't mean that there aren't people who go through it, and that they're not necessarily making it up or making excuses. For men, well... I just envy you LOL.

    Anyway, I'm sad that @jnv7594 left the boards because of this thread. It was nice to see someone who wasn't completely close-minded for a change.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Could these intense cravings maybe also be a psychological thing? Every month you know you're going to have uncontrollable hunger and want to eat anything and everything. You've been doing this for years, and come to accept it as being normal, when perhaps it's just something you have talked yourself into happening.

    I'm not down playing this at all or saying pms cravings do not exist, just trying to get a better understanding.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am not down playing that there is a physical increase in hunger and cravings, but it is also a behavioral/psychological thing. When many women have their period and go through the symptoms....seeking out comfort food is a natural reaction. I have to have chocolate because of PMS...that sounds clearly emotional to me. It doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it what it is.

    That's funny because it's not comfort food at all that satisfies me during that time... just bready things. Chocolate? nope. Ice cream? Nope. Just give me all the bread (which I really have no problem eating in moderation the rest of the time.

    But whatever. Wasting my time. Clearly it's all in my head. It just happens in my head exactly at the same time of my cycle every month.

    If eating an entire pizza isn't comfort food then I don't know what is. Bread is one of my favorite things. Maybe bread isn't comforting to women?

    Bread is also my fav! :) I love pizza!
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    When I know I'm more prone to struggle, I keep myself busy. Like I said at the top, I tend to exercise and drink more water because it helps me keep my mind off food. I don't have the same problem you do, but I still understand cravings. You're less likely to want to eat all the things if you're busy.