Work Treats



  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Honestly, I just walk right past the food.

    Today one colleague brought in muffins and one brought in cookies as a "thank you" and I just don't eat them. My colleagues also respect me when I decline their offer. I'm very appreciative of the gesture, but I usually have a goal of something that I want at the end of the day and the treat at work is not nearly as delicious!
  • Devol82
    Devol82 Posts: 80 Member
    I am lucky that everyone in the office is on some sort of diet so for birthdays etc it's usually a fruit or veggie tray that is brought in. On the occasion that chocolate cake comes in, I can resist that all day because I am not a fan of chocolate cake. Sometimes a patient of the office will bring in homemade food, ugh just no, I won't eat that because you just dont know....As for going out to eat lunch, the dieters still go out almost daily, I will go maybe once a month or so, I am not a fan of wasting my money out to eat when I have brought my lunch and I just need a break from everyone for awhile lol. I do miss out on alot of office politics by not going but well I guess I have just gotten used to that.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I right there with everyone else. Our office is a constant flow of food. If it's not a coworker bringing in dessert, then it's a vendor bringing pastries and doughnuts. We seem to have lunches for everything around here and it's never anything good for you. Generally pizza and cookies, subs with chips and cookies or bbq sandwiches with beans, potato salad and cobbler.
    I generally have no problem saying no to pastries and doughnuts, but the lunches are pretty hard to get out of when they are company wide "feeds". What I generally do is make the best of it and eat a couple slices of thin crust pizza and one cookie, get a plain ham and cheese or turkey and cheese sub and only put veggies on it and take either chips or cookies but not both. When they do bbq, I usually forego the bun and dessert.
    Generally it's just everything in moderation. I try not to make a complete pig of myself when I do partake and then try to be more mindful the rest of the day.
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    I just don't. Donuts and kolaches here. Right now it's easy because I'm focused on losing. When I start maintaining, then I'll have a new challenge
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I work in a school and there's ALWAYS something in the teachers lounge. I have a co-worker who bakes a lot while at work (after school care) and yeah, it's hard to stay away from. Especially as there's often so much stuff, because there's so many of us.

    I do eat some of it, I will admit it, but I try to limit myself and I always log it to the best of my ability (I do overestimate the food when it's home baked). It's hard though.

    But what I find even harder is lunch. I eat with the students, and even though my closest co-workers (who work in the same class as I, and eat lunch with me) knows that I bring my own lunch, I feel really self concious sitting in the lunch room without eating anything - so I eat salad and often chickpeas with onion and some kind of oil. These are calories I don't need (even though its not a lot) but I do it because I feel weird and judged if I didn't.
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    my job has a chef, I started here 2 years ago and gained 15 pounds. Between the delicious meals and the pastries, and the snack bar that is always stocked, it can be very hard to eat healthy.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Devol82 wrote: »
    I am lucky that everyone in the office is on some sort of diet so for birthdays etc it's usually a fruit or veggie tray that is brought in. On the occasion that chocolate cake comes in, I can resist that all day because I am not a fan of chocolate cake. Sometimes a patient of the office will bring in homemade food, ugh just no, I won't eat that because you just dont know....As for going out to eat lunch, the dieters still go out almost daily, I will go maybe once a month or so, I am not a fan of wasting my money out to eat when I have brought my lunch and I just need a break from everyone for awhile lol. I do miss out on alot of office politics by not going but well I guess I have just gotten used to that.

    I gladly miss out on our office politics, lol. Last time I went out with two of the girls for lunch, I had to listen to them dissecting the actions of 3 specific people from the hour leading up to lunch (there was a conflict, a very very meaningless conflict that was resolved within 5 minutes of being back at the office making the 45 minute speculations that I had to sit through even more meaningless).
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    You could miss out on the same office politics by not smoking and not going out for smoke breaks with the power players. But that's not a good reason to take up smoking!
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    I try to tell myself: "my body is burning fat at the moment, if I eat this I'll be storing more instead". Doesn't always work though :-(
  • adamjb88
    adamjb88 Posts: 8 Member
    hamlet1222 wrote: »
    I try to tell myself: "my body is burning fat at the moment, if I eat this I'll be storing more instead". Doesn't always work though :-(

    Yeah had that today.. Anytime I'm actually hungry i think.. My body has run out of energy I've just put in.. The longer I go the more it's going to use what i already have stored
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    I keep a container of oats and some sugar at work, if things get really bad I'll mix half a cup with a teaspoon of sugar and some water and microwave it - it totally stabilizes my energy levels and is way better than what's in the dreaded vending machines - and of course I log it!