Hi, Everyone!
I so enjoyed reading all your thoughtful posts. Looks like you have been friends for along time, if not family members!
My name is Patty. I have about 15 pounds to lose. I am going to be kind to myself during this process. I am getting ready to do Dr. Sara Gottfried 21 day detox program. I can't believe how much information that comes with the program. I'll let you know how that comes out. It's disciplined. It is a 21 hormone reset detox, but many don't need to lose weight...........I do! So I will account for weight I want to lose. I have already lost 6 pounds just getting rid of red meat, caffeine. Each detox is three days and continues for the 21 days and then you add food back according to how one feels.
I am getting ready for a half marathon in St. Louis on Oct. 18th....I appreciate all prayers coming my way. I have had a lot of knee injuries in the past 6 months, so haven't been able to train like I am used too. I will go slow and sure for this one, I can't worry about timing this time for the first time, I just need to finish.
My exercise of choice is Zumba three days a week and of course training for a half marathon.
Go little legs, go little legs!
Wishing all you the best in your journey and look forward to hearing from you!

From the Land of Enchantment