b12 lipotropic injections

Hi there... name is Marissa and I am a mother of 2 children! One 4 and one 8 weeks. I began my weight loss journey approximately October 2014. I lost 30 pounds by December 2014 with the help of phentermine a diet pill that was highly effective. I found out i was pregnant with my youngest in December 2014 so of course I had to stop the phentermine. I gained my weight back of course so i am on this weight loss journey once again. I am currently doing b12 lipotropic injections has any one had any success with this treatment.


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Heres an idea....save your money and just count calories/eat at deficit. And you might want to post this in the general weight loss forum, this is the maintaining weight section.

    All the best though for your weightloss journey.
  • kygreeneyes91
    kygreeneyes91 Posts: 14 Member
    Runrutheerun i am watching what i eat and do excersise however just wanted to know if any one had success with it. I apologize for my seemingly ignorant post as i am new to this application and did not realize I should not post things in maintaining weight section lol. In essence the lipotropic injections could maintain weight loss so I'd say I wasn't too off base. Thanks for pointing out my mistake........... thnx.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @kygreeneyes91 it's just that you might get more replies and feedback if you post elsewhere. ...we were all newbies at one time or other :smile:
  • kygreeneyes91
    kygreeneyes91 Posts: 14 Member
    Yea i didn't even know you could message or have friends on this thing ha i used it strictly as a calorie counter haha!
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi @kygreeneyes91 The only thing I can tell you is that I need B-12 injections periodically due to an inability of my body to properly process the B vitamins. The injections I have aren't fun. I was diagnosed as an infant with pernicious anemia. I daily take super b complex vitamins which contains C to boost my immune system as well as electrolytes ....... all in an effort to keep my B levels barely in the acceptable range and avoid the injections.

    Used to date a body builder.....some think it gives them a temporary energy boost, but none of the research I have seen bears that out. I would sincerely doubt weight loss benefits. I have had friends take B-12 supplements on the recommendation of a doctor for stress issues but they didn't notice any weight loss or improvement in that regard either.

    The thing about B-12 specifically is that your body simply expels anything over what it needs..... If you notice your pee is "bright" yellow I guess you could say you know you are simply flushing your money down the toilet. If you want to conduct a simple science experiment on yourself, buy a small bottle of B-12 supplement, take it in the morning and see how long it takes your urine to turn bright yellow. When my levels are low it can take several days for it to go from clear to bright yellow. If I am at an acceptable level it is always clear first thing in the morning, turning bright yellow with the 2nd urination after I take my B supplements.(probably TMI hahaha). I definitely don't recommend randomly taking a Super B supplement unless your blood work indicates because one of the B's is Niacin, which can cause a "flushing" sensation kind of like hot flashes, except it is more similar to what people have when they take high blood pressure medicine.

    Just my 54 year experience and feedback from friends who tried it for various reasons. YMMV. Best wishes!
  • kygreeneyes91
    kygreeneyes91 Posts: 14 Member
    Sandcastles61 so sorry about your struggles i appreciate your feedback. The injections are not only b12 it is a cocktail of nutrients that aid in fat burning and removing toxins that is what i was told but who knows. Thanks for your reply
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sandcastles61 so sorry about your struggles i appreciate your feedback. The injections are not only b12 it is a cocktail of nutrients that aid in fat burning and removing toxins that is what i was told but who knows. Thanks for your reply
    I looked up the shots and looked at the ingredient list. There was only 3 ingredients in it that I couldn't find in my $5 bottle of multivitamins. Everything else is in my multivitamin. Two of the ingredients not in it can be bought in pill form from any drug store (even walmart.com carries them). The last one is to numb the injection site.

    B Vitamins - B1,B2,B12 (can be found in multivitamins)
    Inositol - amino acid (can be found in multivitamins)
    Choline - amino acid (can be found in multivitamins)
    Asorbic Acid - vitamin C (can be found in multivitamins)
    L-carnitine - can be bought at any drug store
    Methionine - can be bought at any drug store
    Lidocaine - numbing agent for the shot
  • kygreeneyes91
    kygreeneyes91 Posts: 14 Member
    Yea i could see that. That they are. I will probably not get them.
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    No, I did not. Phentermine worked for me but B12 triggered some sort of horrible reaction out of me. I didn't lose anything and I put on another 15-20lbs very quickly. I have one friend that b12 worked for her. She lost 15 and has kept it off for 5 years and counting.
  • kygreeneyes91
    kygreeneyes91 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow that's crazy.! I guess everyone is different.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Sandcastles61 so sorry about your struggles i appreciate your feedback. The injections are not only b12 it is a cocktail of nutrients that aid in fat burning and removing toxins that is what i was told but who knows. Thanks for your reply

    What nutrients burn fat, and what toxins is it removing that your kidneys and liver can't? I'm skeptical of their ploy. I'm also curious - are you breast feeding?
  • kygreeneyes91
    kygreeneyes91 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm not sure and no I'm not
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    I'm not sure and no I'm not

    I'd be concerned about getting an injection and not being sure of the claims and what it's doing for my body. I'd do some research and really explore your options. MFP is full of people who have lost the weight without injections or pills and it can work for you too!