Mycoproteins??? And have you tried them?

I was shopping for some "meatless"-meat products today and came across the brand, Quorn. They sell "chicken fillets" and other products similar to that, yet apparently they have no meat, no soy, and no fat. I was instantly fascinated and saw on the ingredients that it said it is made from mycoproteins. Some sort of fungus?? Anyone have any input on this type of product and its safety?


  • MsChucktowski
    MsChucktowski Posts: 121 Member
    Being a vegetarian for 9 years now, I've tried a lot of "fake meats". While I don't eat as much as I used to, Quorn is probably the one I use the most. Compared to other packages mock meats, it is fairly low calorie, and I find it very filling. I love the fillets because I can cook them in different sauces or just eat them plain if I'm feeling especially lazy :smile:

    As far as side effects go, I've never had any. I've heard some people get gas from eating it :tongue:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Pretty common in the UK and advertised on TV by Mo Farah the runner. Completely artificial food made in a fermenter but seems to work as a crutch for vegetarians that like meat :-)