The final kilograms

mw442 Posts: 8 Member
So, I’ve been at this for close to a month and the weight is steadily coming off. Very happy so far but I am told the time will come that the easy weight is off and the last kgs become far more difficult. Is this the case OR if I stick to my Net Calorie goal should I continue to lose at the same rate? I guess I am trying to understand what to expect and be ready.


  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    There are a lot of variables when it comes to weight loss and every journey is unique. So, there's no absolute answer on this one :-(. In my experience the last few kilos are much harder to lose than the first 20 or so have been. It hasn't been a constant or consistent downward trend either. I think it is wise to be prepared for a few small gains and some plateaus along the way (where there's a period of no weight change or yo-yo in numbers hovering around a particular weight). It doesn't mean that you're failing at this journey, it's really just how the body adjusts to a new 'norm'.
    Best of luck on the journey.
  • Aani15
    Aani15 Posts: 172 Member
    There are a lot of variables when it comes to weight loss and every journey is unique. So, there's no absolute answer on this one :-(. In my experience the last few kilos are much harder to lose than the first 20 or so have been. It hasn't been a constant or consistent downward trend either. I think it is wise to be prepared for a few small gains and some plateaus along the way (where there's a period of no weight change or yo-yo in numbers hovering around a particular weight). It doesn't mean that you're failing at this journey, it's really just how the body adjusts to a new 'norm'.
    Best of luck on the journey.

    Really good answer !